5 Reasons Why Every City Should Invest in Hydrophobic Paint

in Property & Architecture

With so many varieties of paint available from Rawlins and other suppliers, you can quite literally choose a product to suit your wants and needs, be it a hard-wearing paint for high traffic areas like corridors or a paint with non-slip properties to improve safety at work. Hydrophobic paints are being used more and more in urban areas thanks to their water repelling qualities, so here are five reasons why every city should invest in this handy product.

  1. It helps keep surfaces clean

If it rains a lot in your city, you might find water streaks are a constant problem tainting the look of your office block or shop. Precipitation can make buildings grubby and dirty quickly, but hydrophobic paints help tackle this problem by repelling water droplets reducing the marks they leave behind. Water literally bounces off this kind of paint leaving surfaces clean and sparkling.

  1. It protects against damp

While common, damp is a problem which effects many industrial buildings and the damage it causes can be expensive to repair. For this reason, it’s a good idea to paint surfaces in hydrophobic paint as this can protect against condensation helping wood, metals and other materials to stay in good condition for a longer period of time.

  1. It’s ideal for exterior surfaces

Materials exposed to the elements, particularly mineral surfaces and concrete, can weather easily so it’s important to protect them from precipitation – and this is where hydrophobic paint comes into play. It can be applied to both exterior and interior walls, steps, pathways and other surfaces including rust-prone metal that could benefit from a protective coating and simply helps buildings to become more durable.

  1. It deters people from urinating in public

Fed up of people urinating all over your office door or windows after a night out? Then why not cover them in hydrophobic paint? This causes the urine to bounce right off the paint back at the offender and can act as a future deterrent. Members of the St Pauli Interest Community in Hamburg have already put this to the test coating dozens of walls across a clubbing district which welcomes around 20 million (often heavy-drinking) party guests every year. Now that’s splash-back time for sure.

  1. It keeps cities looking aesthetically pleasing

Many cities have a bad reputation for being over-crowded, polluted and messy and while a big clean-up operation has begun across the UK to help improve air quality, there are many other things that city councils can do to keep their part of the world looking as good as possible – including building maintenance.

A touch of paint here and a revamp there can make a big difference and when decorating jobs/renovations do occur, using hydrophobic paint will ensure surfaces stay in good condition for as long as possible. This not only saves money in the long run, but a well-kept city could help attract visitors, which in turn brings money into the country.

Many types of paint have hydrophobic elements, allowing you to choose a product fit for purpose.


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