5 Tips For Learning A Musical Instrument

in Music

Believe it or not, it’s never too late to start playing an instrument. If you have a passion for music, then it’s not a surprise for you to be interested in learning to play an instrument at some point in your life.

However, a lot of people don’t realize just how challenging it is to learn. Taking on a new instrument requires a considerable amount of work, especially if you’re never tried it before, even an as aspiration as seemingly simple as becoming a conga player. So, if you’re about to start learning an instrument, take a look at some of the best tips to get you going.

Get a Quality Instrument

Just like you probably couldn’t paint a masterpiece with a box of crayons, it’s unlikely that you’ll become a maestro on a poorly made instrument. Learning a new instrument is difficult enough as it is. Therefore, when you throw in the challenge of issues like broken strings or faulty keys, it becomes even more challenging to make progress.

It’s important that you learn on a good instrument. In some cases, you may decide not to continue with your instrument; therefore, it’s a smarter investment renting an instrument rather than purchasing. Once you have decided that you want to stick with it, you can start considering buying a high-quality instrument to own.


As the saying goes, “Practice makes perfect.” The more time that you dedicate to improving your skills, the more progress that you’ll make. If you genuinely want to improve, then its critical that you take the time to practice. Over time, you’ll advance at a much faster rate if you put in a consistent effort.

Statistics show that people who practice for a few minutes a day evolve much faster than those who practice less frequently for longer periods of time.

Observe Other Musicians

One of the best ways to understand how an instrument should sound is to listen to the greats. Take the time to observe and listen to talented musicians. You won’t just pick up on their technical talents but also the emotion and originality they put into their performances.

Master Basic Technique

Before you can start composing or trying to stray from a few basic notes, you’ll need to know your fundamentals. You’ll need to master your scales and know all of your notes. It can be a tedious process, but in order to advance, you have to master your basic understanding of music.

Be Patient

It’s incredibly rare for someone to learn an instrument overnight. It will take patience and tenacity to keep going even when you want to give up. Every day will present new challenges. However, with patience, you will improve your skills and graduate onto more advanced techniques.

Image Credits: Jacek Dylag

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