6 Broadcast Trends Shaping the Industry

in Technology

The broadcast industry and the technology that supports it are constantly evolving. Huge shifts are happening in record time.

Businesses and professionals must stay on top of trends that are driving change if they want to stay relevant. These six trends are shaping the future of broadcast.

  1. Mobile Tools Are Better and More Accessible

Remote professional broadcast equipment has grown more advanced, more affordable, and easier to use. Now, the quality of remote video can easily rival what is achievable in a studio. Large companies with huge budgets no longer hold a monopoly on quality video capabilities. With this trend, smaller competitors are easily able to produce in-demand content.

Mobile tools are also allowing broadcasters to go more places and produce a greater range of content. This is an opportunity to connect with new audiences and engage current audiences further.

  1. User-Generated Content Will Continue to Increase

Because of the quality of smartphones and other consumer electronics, the popularity of user-generated content is rising. With the increase in the volume of user-generated content, the need to manage misinformation will also grow. Traditional outlets must compete with individuals utilizing consumer electronics and social media. There is also an opportunity to harness the potentially valuable content that users produce.

  1. More People Work From Home

With a greater number of people choosing to work from home, businesses must learn to accommodate remote workflows. Fortunately, the technology already exists to address this need, and new software and applications are constantly in development to improve on what is available. The main challenge organizations face with this trend is efficiently integrating the new workflows into their existing ones.

  1. Virtual Reality Lets Users Engage

Virtual or augmented reality allows users to experience content in ways they never have. Though many brands are already integrating this technology into their content offerings, the industry has only barely touched on what is possible. This could be an opportunity to recapture consumers that are turning away from broadcast content.

  1. OTT Apps Will Continue to Grow in Popularity

Cord-cutting will only increase, particularly as the younger generations age. Because of this, the demand for “over the top” (OTT) content will also grow. Businesses must adapt to changes to survive, and apps for OTT delivery systems will be an important part of continuing to reach audiences.

Many OTT apps are already seeing great success in bringing live content to users in new ways. The market will reach saturation at some point, so companies must move quickly to stake their claim. Unique and niche OTT apps may allow broadcasters to reach targeted groups of people.

  1. AI Increases Efficiency

AI technology gives broadcasters new ways to achieve greater efficiency and serve customers. As this technology gets better, companies can use this technology to more efficiently deliver content that still feels as though it was developed by humans.

The broadcast industry has undergone many shifts in recent years, and the evolution will only continue. Businesses will need to approach these changes with a willingness to innovate.

Image Credits: Matthias Thijsen

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