6 Elements Every Lawyer Website Must Have

in Business

A website is meant to generate more leads, but if it doesn’t have the essential elements, it won’t serve that purpose well. When it comes to marketing your firm using a website, it’s just not about having a site out there but creating one that converts every visitor into a client. Below are some of the key elements your website should have to ensure it serves its purpose well.

Well Defined Areas of Specialization

When someone opens your site, they should be able to tell straight away what your specialty is. If your firm specializes in more than one area, list all of them. Have a description for each area of specialization. For instance, if you are a personal injury attorney, have a personal injuries page explaining the nature of such cases, how cases are handled and how you can be of help to your clients.

A Blog

Your description pages may not be enough to cover all the information your clients need and this is why it is important to have a blog section. A blog can be a great resource for your clients and it can also be very helpful when it comes to organic traffic. When your blog posts are indexed, you will get more visitors from the search engines. This will, in turn, translate to more leads and clients for your business.

Call to Actions

Don’t forget the call to actions. After a description page or blog post, have a call to action that will direct the reader on the action to take next. You could request them to give you a call for an evaluation of their case or to subscribe to your mailing list for blog updates. Having clear call to actions increases your chances of converting visitors to clients.

Quality Images

Displaying pictures of employees on the website is important because it helps readers to see that the website belongs to real people. They will trust you more when they can see your pictures. However, if the images you use are of low quality, website visitors can easily lose confidence in your services. Therefore, post only the good pictures. You can consider hiring a professional photographer if you are unable to get some good shots.


Some FAQs can also be a great resource for your clients and potential clients. With a great FAQ page, you will be creating a platform where clients can find answers easily. FAQs can focus on legal procedures, your areas of specialization and your mode of operation as a law firm.

Easy Navigation

Finally, ensure that you have a website that is easy to navigate. Having all the good elements without proper navigation will not be profitable. You can consider working with a lawyer website designer to ensure that your navigation and display is on point.

Creating a good website requires effort, and thus, you have to be committed to making it work. It will require planning, setting aside a budget and even hiring professionals to help you out with not only with the design but also content and SEO.

Image Credits: Hal Gatewood

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