6 Incredible Ways GPS Technology Has Revolutionised Our Lives

in Outdoors

GPS, or Global Positioning Systems, are a big part of modern day life. Found in our phones, computers and cars, these helpful devices help us get from A to B as efficiently and effectively as ever. GPS systems utilise a vast number of satellites that orbit the earth in a grid pattern, there are always six to eight satellites that are able to communicate with any given position on earth at any given time. What this does is give the average consumer the power to find any place on earth at any time day or night. Just think of the benefits this provides for a wide variety of the public and our everyday lives. Here are 6 incredible ways that GPS technology has revolutionised our lives.

  1. Getting to your destination

If you were alive before the introduction of GPS, you will remember just how frustrating it was to get lost time and time again whilst trying to read a map. Maps were huge books, that could be difficult to read whilst driving, which often meant you arrived late to your destination. These days, with the introduction of GPS, it’s virtually impossible to get lost.

  1. Road safety

Not only do GPS devices help you get to where you need to be, but they also help you do it safely. Often, GPS devices have built in systems which detect things like speed limits, speed cameras, and red light cameras. Not only does this prevent you from getting fined or a criminal record, but this also ensures you can be safe and vigilant on your next journey.

  1. Child safety

GPS systems have also introduced the birth of child tracking systems. Never again will you lose your little loved one in a big crowd or on holiday. A child tracking device usually requires that you set a distance for your child. If your child moves beyond that distance from your phone, an alarm will instantly notify you. Genius!

  1. Crime

GPS technology can also be used to locate and keep track of dangerous criminals, helping to guard against escaped or missing dangerous offenders. Protecting society and upholding the law, GPS trackers are one of the most revolutionary technologies available in the legal system today.

  1. Emergencies

If you find yourself in emergency situations, your GPS device can help. GPS technology in your cell phone or car can make it easier to call for help. This is because emergency teams and rescuers know exactly where you are, even if your position changes between the time you call and the time help arrives.

  1. Education

Integrated into maths, social studies and science, GPS systems are fast making an impact in schools around the world. Through the use of GPS and mapping technology, students will practice the vital language, arts and communication skills they will need to complete hands-on, inquiry-based, collaborative projects involving higher order thinking skills.

Whether you’re an old hand at GPS or it’s new in your life, the amazing advantages this technology has on our lives are undeniable. Whether you need to get to a destination safely, to look after your pet or child, or to help in a crime or health emergency, a GPS device is the answer.

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