7 Beginner Workouts That You Can Do at Home

in Health & Well-being

Before embarking on a fitness program, one needs to make some considerations. Without proper planning, one can be faced with many challenges including quitting. Any person will want to make maximum use of the limited time she or he has. As a beginner in workouts, you do not need to head to the gym every day. There are numerous workouts that you can do at home. Further, you can take steroids from a reliable seller to boost your training efforts. A great example is steroids-evolution.org, which do wonders when taken in the right dosage. Back to our topic, let us discuss seven of the best beginner workouts you can do at home.

Cardio Workouts

Here, we refer to the low impact workouts that can easily be done at home. Depending on the trainer, these workouts can be modified to suit different situations. You do not have to kill yourself at the beginning because the body adapts with time. 10 press-ups or push-ups make some of the best cardio exercises you can do at home.

Abs Workouts

Abs exercises do not have many requirements. All they need is a small space and your body. Sit-ups top the list, and they can be performed in a variety of ways. You can raise the hands up as you lie on your back and do 10 sit-ups in every round. Other variations are also available and can be done at home with ease.

Dumbbell Shoulder Press

If you want to add assistance equipment, dumbbells are the best and easiest for a beginner. Using a lower weight at the beginning is advisable, and the weight can increase gradually as the body adapts. For well-developed shoulders, you can make sure you do at least 3 sets of 15 reps each day in your routine.


Beginners have a choice to do either body squats or dumbbell squats. They differ only in that the latter has some added weight. They help the lats and glutes to get strong and stay fit. The recommended amount of squats per day includes 2 sets of 10 reps. However, doing more poses harm to the body.

Lateral Raise

For a beginner, the list would be incomplete without the lateral raise workouts. They keep the biceps and triceps in check, which is very crucial. To make it work better, use some weights like kettlebells or dumbbells and raise them until the arms are at shoulder level.


Planks are all-time favorites for beginners. They are not only fun but also easy to do. One must start at press-up position but with the elbows on the floor. Planks help the upper body, abs and glutes to remain fit at all times. Planks must not be missed in your beginner workout package.


Well, skipping is our last exercise on the list. However, it is one of the most effective if you want to burn some calories. Skip at least 100 rounds for 3 sets to feel the effect. You can combine any of the above workouts and make your beginner package a great success.

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