7 Reasons You Need a Storage Shed (and How to Get Started)

in Home Improvement

Have you ever given thought to building a storage shed on your property? If you don’t feel you need the extra storage space, you may wonder what the point is, but there are plenty of good reasons to consider getting a shed—and some of them might surprise you.

Your Options

Let’s start by looking at the main options available to you to get a shed on your property:

  • Do it yourself. If you have access to power tools and at least some experience building moderate-difficulty projects, you should be able to build a shed yourself. This is oftentimes cheaper than hiring a contractor to do it and can be a rewarding project. The biggest problem is you might need a permit to do it, depending on your area.
  • Buy a prefabricated shed. You could also buy a prefabricated shed outright, for a few hundred to a few thousand dollars depending on the size and specifications. This is the best option if you know exactly what you’re looking for and want a shed as soon as possible.
  • Hire a contractor. If you prefer a custom job, and/or don’t mind waiting for the project to be completed, you could also hire a contractor. Here, you’ll work with a pro to design and build your shed from scratch—in professional hands.

Why Build One?

So why would you need one in the first place?

  1. Storage space. Homes are bigger than ever, at an average of 2,600 square feet. Still, that’s not enough space to store all your things, nor are homes a convenient place to store things like lawnmowers, gardening tools, or other equipment used primarily outdoors. As the name suggests, storage sheds are perfect for storage.
  2. Property value. Adding a storage shed to your property could also make your property value increase. You may not see a dollar value increase that equals what you put into the project, but it should come close, meaning your lifetime total cost for the shed will be minimal. Other property buyers will appreciate the extra space—and the freedom to do what they want with it.
  3. If you grew up in a rural environment, or if you take pride in your yard, you might like the aesthetic value that a shed adds to your house. This is especially true if you find an architectural style that fits your interests or build a shed from scratch.
  4. Work space. If you’re into woodworking, or have a hobby that’s particularly noisy or messy, a shed could also double as an ideal workspace for your project. You’ll be able to stay on your property, but at the same time, you’ll be far enough away from the house that you can work on your projects in peace.
  5. Increased home space. Decluttering your home is much easier once you have a shed that serves as long-term storage for your unwanted or seldom-used items. If you make good use of the new space, you should be able to open up hundreds of square feet in your home.
  6. If you have valuable items that you typically store outside, such as a riding lawnmower or an expensive bicycle, your shed can serve as an extra layer of protection. If you invest in a durable locking mechanism and remember to lock things up at the end of each night, you’ll reduce your chances of being a victim of theft.
  7. Creativity and satisfaction. If you’re building your own shed, or designing one from scratch with a contractor, you may also get a sense of satisfaction from the project. This is your chance to flex your creativity and create something from nothing. When it’s finished, you’ll have a lasting reminder of the project.

Sheds are useful for more reasons than most people initially suspect. Not only can they improve your quality of life in multiple areas, they even have the potential to add as much value to your home as you’ll spend in building or buying them. That said, there are many options to choose from, so plan your shed carefully—and start enjoying the benefits as soon as possible.

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