A Complete Guide to the Best Career Paths in 2021

in Education

The year is now 2021, and we’re on the upswing of a major pandemic that devastated the job market and economies everywhere. As of now, the unemployment rate in the U.S. is at 6%, which is still higher than the numbers we were seeing before the pandemic struck.

For those who graduated last year and have had trouble finding work, you’re not alone. Are you considering a new career path? Maybe you are tired of the field you are in as it has low pay or you simply no longer enjoy it as you did. Maybe you never did enjoy your job and are finally ready to do something you love.

Whatever the situation, it can be difficult to pinpoint the right career path for you. A job should be something you enjoy and excel at. It should pay you what you need to get by each day and be rewarding. If you aren’t certain of a productive career path, it always helps to read up on the possibilities and see where you may be a good fit. If you have never had a job before, you have a clean slate in deciding the direction you want to go. If you’ve been in the field for a few years, there’s nothing wrong with pivoting.

The job market landscape has shifted due to the COVID-19 pandemic, causing more positions to move to the remote life. When deciding on a career path, consider whether you want to be working from a desk in an office, at home, or with your hands in the field. You also want to make sure the career you pick is one that is stable in the midst of troubling times. The last thing you want is to end up unemployed.

In today’s blog, we’re going over the best career paths you can take in 2021. Keep these factors in mind as you determine which career path may be the best fit.

1. The Aviation Field

The numbers don’t lie. As the global economy continued to become more interwoven across the oceans, the aviation industry is the fastest-growing sector in transportation. The coronavirus pandemic stunted this growth a little bit, but with safety measures in place for a safe return to travel, we’ve slowly but surely seen the number of travelers go up again.

What does this mean for you? It means that now is the perfect time to enrol in flight school and kick off your career in the aviation industry! You can choose to get a certificate training, a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree, and more. The level of education you earn largely depends on your intended profession.

There are several different career paths you can follow within the aviation field. Some include:

  • Airline pilot
  • Air traffic controller
  • Airport operations executive
  • Flight dispatcher
  • Aviation meteorologist

The list goes on and on! Look into these jobs and see which may be the best fit for you.

2. Information Technology

Information technology refers to the study and work in surrounding computer systems. Information technology jobs, or IT, are very lucrative and stable. They are best suited for the analytical mind that doesn’t mind sitting behind a computer in an office or at home for hours. A typical salary can be as high as $200,000 a year.

There are also several different industries that hire IT professionals. Pretty much every company with a computer system could use the help of an IT person. This includes hospitals, retail chains, IT consulting companies, and more.

Those interested in IT should enrol in a certificate or degree program, either online or in person. The higher your level of education, the better your chances of getting hired and making more pay. However, experience is also important!

Here are some jobs you can have with an IT education:

  • Software developer
  • Computer analyst
  • Cybersecurity
  • Information technology consultant

3. Communications

Every company needs a strong communications department to deliver messages to the public. The face of your company largely depends on marketing, which in return brings visibility and ultimately sales.

If you’re interested in writing, social media, media relations, graphic design, television production, and advertising, then the communications field could be a fit for you.

You can get several certifications to make you more attractive to employers, many of which are free. However, you may want to consider going to college for a bachelor’s or masters in a related field. Many employers in this field require a strong resume, as it is more competitive.

Image Credits: Mika Baumeister

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