A Short Guide to Moving to the USA for Aussies

in Travel

Moving to a new country is always exciting, and this is undoubtedly true if you are moving to the United States, where there is so much to see and do. An Australian moving to America will experience the excitement of a new location without having to learn a new language or adjust to a completely different culture.

The United States stretches across a whole continent, so every state is different. Don’t underestimate the size of the difference between the culture of one part of the country and another. Whether or not you love life in America may depend on where you live. If you can, visit a few cities before you move to the states.

How to move from Australia to the United States

If you want to move to the United States, you typically need to be sponsored. You might have an employer willing to give you a job in advance – this is one of the best ways of getting a visa. Another option is to have a relative who is already in America. Without a sponsor, it is a lot harder to get a visa. Australians have an easier time getting visas than most others, because of the E-3 work visa that is specifically for Australian citizens. Getting an E-3 is no picnic, but you do have an advantage over people from most other countries.

Getting a visa

Immigrating to the United States is just as much paperwork as you might assume it is. You have to fill out a lengthy petition before the immigration board will consider you. The U.S. citizen and immigration board will judge your application. If the immigration board accepts your petition, you will have to do an interview in Australia before you can move to the United States.

Not everyone can easily get a visa to work in the United States. You should have skills or education that are in demand in America. If you have a degree, your odds are much better. Skills and experience also matter, so don’t feel discouraged if you don’t have a degree. If an employer could easily have trouble finding someone with your skills, you may qualify for a work visa.

Work visas for Australians are good for two years and can be renewed. With an E-3 visa, your employer is required to pay you at minimum a typical salary for your position. Employers are not allowed to use E-3 visas as a way to pay workers less, so you are legally guaranteed an average wage for your job.

If you are planning to make any big decisions due to moving to the United States, don’t make these decisions too fast! The last thing you would want to do is sell your house and then find out that you aren’t going to be able to go to the U.S. after all. Get your visa approved before you make any decisions that you can’t take back!

Where can I apply for an E-3 visa?

You can apply for an E-3 visa at an American embassy or consulate. If you apply directly at a consulate, your application is likely to be treated fairly. While you might be able to apply without an in-person interview in some exceptional cases, an interview is usually necessary.

How can I get an E-3 without a degree?

If you don’t have a degree or don’t have a degree that is related to the work you are going to be doing, you should get an immigration lawyer to help you with your application. You will need to make a strong case that your work experience is equivalent to a bachelor’s degree. An immigration lawyer can find a way to make a strong case.

Can I apply for an E-3 if I am already in the United States?

Sometimes, but it may not be possible to change your current visa status to an E-3 while in the United States. If you are looking for an E-3 visa, it is a much better idea to apply while you are in Australia.

Moving from temporary to permanent citizenship

After you have been working in the United States for a few years, you should be well on your way to permanent citizenship. Once you are a permanent citizen, you can vote, own property, and potentially use the social security system.

To apply for full citizenship, you must have been a permanent resident for five years. The only exception is if your spouse is a U.S. citizen, in which case the time limit is only three years. If there is nothing to suggest that you are of bad character, you have a good chance at naturalization.

You will have to complete a “10 step naturalization process”, which is not nearly as complicated as it sounds. There will be a written citizenship test, an interview, and some paperwork. After getting your citizenship, you will get a green card to prove it.

A good immigration lawyer can help you

Regardless of where you are in the immigration process, a lawyer can help you. A good immigration lawyer can make the difference between success at getting your citizenship and failure. If you are seeking a temporary work visa for Australians, a legal defence against deportation, permanent citizenship, or countless other things, an immigration firm such as Lightman Law Firm can help.

Immigration lawyers understand all of the laws and know how to communicate with the immigration board at an expert level. They can save you from costly mistakes, and they can get you through the immigration process quickly.

A lawyer can help you get an E-3 visa for Australian citizens

Australian citizens should never apply for standard H1B visas. Getting an E-3 visa is a faster process; it is also less expensive. While there is theoretically a yearly limit on how many Australians can get an E-3 visa, the limit is not reached in practice. The U.S. is willing to allow more Australian workers than it approves.

While getting an E-3 is relatively easy, a lot can still go wrong if you try to do it yourself. When dealing with the immigration board, you have to think strategically. If you make a mistake, your application might be denied. With an immigration lawyer, all of the documentation you submit will be perfect, and your application will easily pass.

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