Tips for Spending a Week in Sydney

in Travel

The jewel of New South Wales, Sydney is a truly unique metropolis that is steeped in history and if you only have a few days in this amazing city, here are a few tips to help you make the most out of the experience.

  • Book a Helicopter Tour – A 90-minute flight takes in a lot more than the iconic Opera House and Sydney Harbour; you will fly low over Bondi Beach (thrilling) then head to the Blue Mountains and with lunch in Hunter Valley, a return flight to the airport gives you yet another view of the Harbour area. If there’s a few in your group, this helps spread the cost and with online booking, you can make this your first experience after arriving in Sydney.
  • Rent a Bike – The best way to get around Sydney is on a rented bicycle and a Google search will put you in touch with a provider. Two wheels enables you to go where cars cannot and there are some beautiful trails for mountain bikers if you fancy a challenge, plus this is the cheapest way to get around. There are stations where you can park and lock your bike and this has to be the best way to move around the city.
  • Sydney CBD – Mornings are a great time to head to the CBD, the financial area of the city where you can enjoy great coffee & croissants and watch the world go round. If you are into premier craft beers, check out the cellar bar in Sydney from Hairyman, a lively atmosphere with the best tasting beers in the city. The art gallery and museum offer an insight into Sydney and there are trendy stores everywhere and, in the evenings, there are lively bars where the executives let their hair down after a hard day on the ASX. Sydney is famed for craft beer and this is where to spend early evenings if you like a vibrant ambience.
  • Floating Dinner – You simply must experience Sydney Harbour from the water; it is easy to book a table online (Google is your best friend) and this will be an evening to remember. Failing that, dinner at one of the waterside restaurants is recommended, where you have a great view of Sydney Opera House. Nightlife is lively in the Harbour area and you can spend your evenings exploring the quaint streets where you will find many unique little drinking establishments and likely meet some of the locals, who are real characters.
  • Walk Sydney Harbour Bridge – This is free and providing the weather is good, walking across this iconic bridge is highly recommended. If you are adventurous, why not book a bridge climb? Search online and you will find the tour operator and you can book your spot on the climb. Here are a few good reasons to travel the world, if you have yet to do that.
  • Make Good Use of the Internet – With only a week to see the sights of Sydney, you should use the Internet to select places that you want to visit; indeed, you can create an itinerary with Google Maps and plan each day. There are some really beautiful gardens and parks if you like to be surrounded by nature and riding bikes makes travelling fun. Opening times are obviously important so do check online before setting off.
  • Whale Watching – If your visit falls between May and November, you can book a berth on a whale watching boat, which is the season for the Humpback Whale’s annual migration to and from Antarctica. Experience the amazing surface behaviours of these majestic creatures and if you are lucky, you might get to see a breach, when the whale leaves the water! If you are unsure about your sea legs, best to take some motion sickness medication on the morning of the expedition and dress suitably, it can be very windy at sea!

Here is a link to the Wikipedia page on tourism in Sydney, which will give you an overview of the popular local attractions. Most people that visit NSW do return, so don’t be too disappointed if you don’t get to see and experience everything this time around.

Image Credits: Photoholgic

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