6 Reasons Everyone Should Visit Sydney Once in Their Life

in Travel

Traveling just has to be one of the best things in the world. Exploring new countries, meeting new people, embracing new cultures – it’s a life of joy and excitement. There is one big problem, though – this world has so many things to offer, there is no way we can experience all of them in one lifetime. What do we do then? Prioritize!

Let us take a look then at a couple of compelling reasons, why you should put Sydney at the very top of the list of your future destinations.

A bunch of iconic landmarks

Take a second and try thinking about some of the most iconic landmarks in the world. We can bet that one of the first things that have crossed your mind was the Sydney Opera House. Yeah, if you visit the Land Down Under, you will finally get the opportunity to see this wonder of expressionist architecture first hand. But that’s not all, you also get equally as stunning Sydney Harbor Bridge, unique colonial architecture and tons of other manmade structures that simply beg for your camera to shoot them.

Rich history

Sydney is a city with rich history written all over its modern face. Ranging from the Rocks district that was the first local settlement established by Captain Arthur Philips all the way back in 1788 to countless museums tracking the country’s often turbulent history, the offer for the history buffs seems inexhaustible. Still, we would like to give a special shout out to the city’s Aboriginal Heritage tours that will allow you to learn more about the country’s native population without leaving its unofficial capital.

Exclusive hotels

Although it is not quite as famous for its developed hospitality industry as, let’s say Singapore, Sydney has a pretty awesome hotel culture with all the amenities you can imagine. For instance, if you want a full-blown colonial experience coupled with a killer view and amazing terraces, you can stay at the elegant Randwick hotel. Of course, this is only one option. No matter what your tastes and preferences are, the Harbor city will have something to meet your needs.

Beach in Sydney, Australia

Vivid outdoor culture

Sydney is a city graced with a warm but not overly humid climate. That means that spending time outdoors is incredibly pleasant, and boy do Sydneysiders like to spend their time on the streets of their city. Food vendors, street performers and artists, picnics and some of the prettiest green surfaces you can find in a city of this size, free outdoor events… The list goes on and on. Even if you travel to the city and do not enter a single building while you are there, you will still have some of the best times in your life.

Exciting nightlife

Much like with the hotel offer, Sydney often ends up overlooked when people bring the up the topic of nightlife to the table. But, spend just a couple of nights in the city and you will see just how big of an oversight that is. You want your gastro pubs and micro-breweries? You got them. Bohemian and jazz clubs? There’s Venue 505 standing right in front of you. The same goes for diners, lounges, diners, and other, more “underground” venues. The pub crawl tours are simply awesome, though.

Stunning beaches

Finally, it is impossible to talk about Sydney, or for that matter any coastal city in Australia, without mentioning the ridiculous amount of stunning beaches spread over its shores. Take, for example, Bondi Beach. Even if you don’t know a single thing about surfing or summer culture, you must’ve heard of this crowded social nexus. And that’s only one beach. We haven’t even mentioned the likes of Manly Beach, Tamarama Beach, and countless other alternatives.

As we can see, Sydney is a true place of wonder you should visit at least once in your lifetime. The city simply has to offer something for anyone and becomes even more attractive as your list of interests expands. And the deeper you go, the more exciting things you uncover. Give it a check, we guarantee you’ll get one of the best experiences in your lifetime.

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