Are Alarm Clocks Bad for Your Health?

in Health & Well-being

It is the start of most people’s day. You are deep in slumber and suddenly a deafening sound wakes you, signally the time to get out of bed and get moving. But can this be detrimental to your health? Recent studies have shown the negative effects of waking up to an alarm. You may wonder what could happen from simply using an alarm clock each morning? Many people have been using them for decades to wake up for work or simply early in the morning for whatever reason. Here we have the results and it may shock you.

The research comes to us from the National Institute of Industrial Health in Japan. They decided to conduct a study into the health effects of prolonged use of the common alarm clock. You may use an app on your phone or a physical alarm clock, but the effects are all the same. It was discovered that waking to the sound of an alarm clock can be bad for your heart.

Waking up abruptly can cause high blood pressure and increased heart rate. It can add to your stress levels. This is due to get your adrenaline rushing. If you are feeling stressed and anxious during your day then this could be one thing you can change to help with your mood. There are many ways in which you can decrease stress levels but training yourself to wake up to natural light can help immensely.

This process does not happen overnight, but over a few days or weeks, you can benefit your health without changing your routine drastically. Below are some steps you can use to get the ball rolling.

Move your bed so that the sun strikes it in the morning. Have it facing the window, with the blinds or curtain slightly open so that the sun shines directly upon you in the morning. Do not overwhelm yourself, but just enough so that you’re urged to wake up before your alarm. If you are required to wake before the sun, then put your lights on a timer so that they act as a silent alarm for you.

Most importantly, go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. This will help your body to adjust to your new schedule. What better way to start your day?

This is certainly a great chance that you can make in your life. To decrease your stress levels and live healthier as well as happier, you can start with this new routine. You will certainly notice the difference in a matter of days once you have mastered your new morning schedule. Feeling better, looking better and having a healthier heart is only the start. No more missing your alarm and rushing around the house to try and get ready in a hurry. No need for an alarm at all. Make the change today and start living your best life! It is within your reach; you just have to reach out and grab it.

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