Beat the Bot: How to Get Your Resume Past Applicant Tracking System

in Business

Finding a great job has never been an easy process, however, with the creation of resume writing tools the whole procedure became less tedious and time-consuming, as now one can avoid dealing with conducting a resume, which is going to beat software and attract the eyes of actual hiring managers. Resume scanning software, you say? Chill out, we’ll get to this.

What does ATS stand for?

So what is ATS after all? It is a specialized software, which was produced to make the jobs of recruiters easier.  Such Applicant Tracking System test your resume automatically and is a handy tool for hiring managers, as it saves their time and serves as a filter to screen out potential candidates for a certain vacancy. This tool is used to reject the applicants by the system, so at this primary stage, a human being can’t even take a look at your resume. Here you can’t impress a person, your task is to be a good fit for technologies. Therefore, we can call such software a resume checker, which is smart and powered by latest developments in the tech world. As it’s so up-to-date, it’s not a piece of cake to get past Applicant Tracking System and get the chance to be reviewed by recruiters. So let’s take it all seriously and get all the ducks in the row step by step.

How do Applicant Tracking Systems work?

First of all, bear in mind that ATS can work both with actual resumes and social media, so, yeah, your LinkedIn profile is under scrutiny, too. Secondly, remember that the main thing Applicant Tracking Systems deal with is keywords. Such software filter words in order to understand whether a particular resume fits with the necessary wording or not. In the case, your resume has the necessary amount of essential words and phrases, your candidature will be ranked higher in the rating of all applicants. Moreover, hiring managers can set up a search through all database of resumes with the help of ATS. And only after this stage, a certain paper can get to the recruiters, who’ll look through it and decide if it is relevant for a certain job opening.

How to beat Applicant Tracking System for sure?

You are to be ready to sail through all stages of job hunting but to start from scratch make sure that your resume will end up in the top of the ATS’s list. Browse the tips below to succeed.

1. Avoid errors

The primary step to beat the system is to proofread your resume or CV and correct all the spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes. It not only looks unprofessional when a resume consists some type of errors but also can leave you behind the boat by resume screening software.

2. Mind the keywords

As you now understand keywords matter. As ATSs rely on a resume keyword scanner, you’ll need to ensure that the content of your resume includes all the necessary keywords in order not to be excluded from the system. Therefore, do some research before you write a resume. Browse the web to understand what are the best and the most appropriate keywords and phrases for your desired position and afterward include them into your papers. Furthermore, you are to match the keywords of a particular job description against your resume. This can be done with the help of special resume optimizing tools, which will evaluate your resume and a job description, compare them and conduct a list of relevant keywords. Such actions will definitely pay off.

3. Put the right heading

Headers and footers may jam parsing algorithms, so watch out! There’s no need in using long-winded phrases and cite from a popular book. Browse ATS friendly resume template and conduct yours. For instance, you may use these headings: «Career Summary», «Work Experience», «Professional Summary», and «Work History» (no «About Me» or «Accreditation»-like phrases).

4. Pick the best format

There were way too many resume rejections due to the poor format choice. I mean the format was not optimized for ATS. Therefore, it will be a matter of wise job search tactics to think about this issue and pick up the right format. So you can go for chronological (focuses on the relevant experience), functional (highlights your skills) or mixed (combines the two previous types). Mind that you can impress hiring managers with a catchy design, curved fonts, and other striking details, however, machines hate such things. So it’s better to keep it simple, minimalist.

5. Tailor your resume to each position

If you aren’t good at writing, delegate this task to a professional resume writing software or to another human being with experience, but never have two identical resumes, as it destroys your chances to get to the interview. Each job has distinctive requirements (skills, experience, and knowledge) and what is good for one job can be harmful to mention for another. I assure you that resume reading robots of ATS will proofread your resume, so just display your skills, experience and qualifications in the most promotional way. You may display the same experience for two vacancies; however, the wording will differ.

So, from this very moment, you know all the tricks to turn Applicant Tracking System from a foe to your best friend in the process of job search. Use technologies to advance yourself, not to cause harm.

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