Best Antivirus for Windows 10: Pros and Cons

in Software

For those making use of a Windows 10 system, you could be an appealing target for hackers without taking the right preventative measures. That is easy as a result of the fact that Windows is the world’s most-used PC operating system.

However, whilst the security of Windows has been enhanced upon over time, it might not be up to the standards you would expect or need in context of business. This is where getting a third-party antivirus for Windows 10 comes in.

With a range of threats from ransomware up to fileless attacks and now blended malware, there are a whole lot of threats available out there. Some are quite common while some are relatively unknown.

Best Windows 10 Antivirus

There are so many antivirus programs available. However, the best Windows 10 antivirus is not easy to find. Here’s the short list of those who are close to perfection in terms of user protection:

  • BitDefender Antivirus Plus

With its enormous advantage of being a comprehensive yet fast and feature-packed antivirus, BitDefender mixes an ideal core antivirus engine with smart technology to keep Windows 10 safe from harm.

Due to its accurate web tracking, it detects and blocks malicious links. Plus, it has a susceptibility scanner, through which users are alerted to security patches that are missing and even poorly selected system settings that could put the PC in danger.

BitDefender prevents malware from snooping around your online shopping habits as well as banking transactions.

Its unique ransomware protection makes sure that should there be a penetration in your security, sensitive files are safe.

  • Trend Micro Antivirus+Security

While this antivirus may likely not have the profile of the big name antivirus brands, Trend Micro is growing in popularity. It has all the needed vital features such as;

  • Email checks
  • Web filtering
  • Ransomware protection

Amazingly, it is not weighed down by unimportant additions that you will never need. It provides excellent results according to independent testing. Subsequently, it also protects against the majority of test threats.

  • Kaspersky Free Antivirus

It is malware protection from a top provider, needless to say that it is of high quality. Kaspersky has been rated as one of the top antivirus organizations for quite a long time. Its products can be seen either at the top or close to the top of the scoreboard.

Users do not have to put up with annoying ads, and it safely blocks malicious links. Some of its products range from file backup, password management, online banking security, parental controls, and most importantly, coverage for Windows.

Issues of such as being targeted by hackers and malware are put behind users as Kaspersky does a great job of keeping the Windows 10 protected.

Final Thoughts

Many people are wondering if Windows Defender is safe and can protect Windows 10. Upon launch, the system was filled with bugs and had an extensive user base, which made it the target for viruses and a variety of other types of attacks.

Though the OS is protected by Windows Defender and it does carry out a good job these days, Windows Defender can give false positives, and also miss malware, leaving users with the option of executing malware and not blocking it. However, should you see fit to invest in a third-party solution then the above should be a good place to start.

Image Credits: Tinh Khuong

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