Braces Before and After: How Long Until You See Results

in Beauty

If you or your child is getting ready for braces, you aren’t alone. More than 4 million people in the US wear braces. Perhaps surprisingly, over a quarter of these people are adults.

The most common question prospective braces patients ask is: how long will it take before I can show off my braces before and after pictures? The truth is, it depends on a variety of factors, which we’re talking about here today.

Want to know how long you’ll have to wear braces? Then keep reading for the answer to that question, plus how to speed up your results. Check it out!

How Long Does Orthodontic Treatment Take?

On average, it takes 14 to 33 months to see your results after braces. However, the exact time it will take to straighten your teeth depends on a few factors. These factors include:

  • How severely your teeth are misaligned
  • Whether you need premolar removal or corrective jaw surgery
  • The teeth alignment method used

How well you comply with your orthodontist’s orders will also impact the length of time you’ll wear braces. On average, the older the orthodontics patient, the faster the results. This is because older adults are significantly more compliant than teens and children. And if you haven’t had a dental checkup in awhile, consider teeth cleaning services at a Dentist in murray hill.

How to Speed Up Braces Results

You won’t have to wait forever to see the results of your orthodontic treatment. Yet, up to 43% of braces wearers wish they could shorten their treatment to 6 months. If you want your braces on and off fast, here are our top tips.

Choose an Experienced Orthodontist

The most important thing to consider if you want to wear braces for the least time possible is your orthodontist. Studies show that more experienced professionals offer higher quality orthodontics.

A more experienced orthodontist is an expert at treatment planning. That’s why choosing the right orthodontist can help reduce the time you have to wear braces.

Define Expectations from the Start

Experienced orthodontists know the importance of setting clear expectations. After all, some patients seek 100% perfection, while others try to target a single problem area.

Defining your goals from the get-go can reduce your orthodontics treatment time. This may also help improve your satisfaction with the outcome.

Schedule Appointments Close Together

Orthodontists typically recommend scheduling appointments within three to four weeks of each other. When patients reschedule, this can push appointments back to one every five to six weeks.

To get the best results fast, try to attend more regular appointments with shorter intervals between them. Your orthodontist will have more control over your treatment plan, speeding up the result.

See Your Braces Before and After in No Time!

On average, it takes around 20 months to see your braces before and after. However, if you follow the tips we listed above, you’ll have a straighter, more beautiful smile in even less time!

There’s always new research coming out about braces and how to speed up the process. Want to make sure you’re always up to date with the latest? Then keep checking back for new and noteworthy articles!

Image Credits: Obie Fernandez

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