Bully-proof Your Kid with These 3 Martial Arts Benefits

in Education

Every child must be protected from physical harm. Training your child with self-defence tactics is often overlooked in today’s society, but it is crucial. Keep in mind that bullying is an epidemic in school settings. Because of this, it is vital to ensure that your children are safe and can defend themselves if the situation warrants it.

Self-defence not only allows your children to defend themselves physically but also sparks numerous benefits in their life. They will learn important values and principles such as hard work, perseverance, and dedication.

Enrol your child in karate classes in Seven Hills now. Seven Hills is a suburban area located in the Greater Western Sydney region. It is located 27 km away from the burgeoning business district of Sydney. The suburb is regarded as part of the Hills district.

Studies of Australian schools show that 7 in 10 children experience at least one instance of bullying behaviour in a year. At least four students will experience bullying weekly.

Arm your child with self-defence skills and mental toughness to overcome the challenges of school life. Do not let your child be a victim, but enrol him or her in a self-defence class.

Your children will be empowered with the knowledge of self-defence

Self-defence is one of the fundamental rights of any human being, including children. It cannot be overstated how vital self-defence is in your child’s development. Martial arts help empower your child with self-defence tactics and the responsibilities that come with it.

Whether you enrol your child in the ancient Thai discipline of Muay Thai or nearby karate classes in Seven Hills, martial arts discipline will train your child intricate techniques and how to execute them optimally.

Do not think of martial arts as simply fighting. Martial arts train your child when to apply their knowledge and skills. It teaches your child that being physical should not be a tool to inflict harm on others, but rather, as a defensive strategy against physical attacks.

When your child learns martial arts, they will quickly understand a martial artist’s roles and responsibilities in society.

Martial arts help your child deal with the bullying epidemic in their school

Bullying is a nightmare for every parent. There are numerous articles about bullying happening in schools, playgrounds, and even your child’s social circle. Every parent will dread finding out their child is being bullied or being a bully.

Bullying is a problem in schools for years. Although society and authorities have tried to mitigate bullying in educational systems, the truth is bullying still exists to this day.

Parents have the power to stop bullying by developing their child’s social skills. Keep in mind that any child can become a bully target or become a bully themselves. One way to enhance your child’s social skills is through training in martial arts.

Martial arts provide your child with an environment to develop their self-confidence, self-discipline, and self-respect. They are also taught to respect others. The change must come from your child, and they must develop essential personality traits to stop bullying. Martial arts help empower your child, and you will see its immediate positive effects on their lives.

Seven Hills is a peaceful community and a very good suburb to raise a family. There is a mixture of houses, villas, and flats. Property values in seven hills are affordable, especially when you are purchasing a starter home. However, it is close to Blacktown, which is a high crime area. Seven Hills is only 2 km from Blacktown. In many cases, crime in Blacktown is done by teenagers. If your kids get in an unsafe place in the neighbourhood, they must know self-defence tactics to mitigate any physical attack.

Martial arts train your child values and principles

Martial arts train practitioners a lot of crucial values and principles. It helps them overcome obstacles and allows them to reflect on their capabilities. Martial arts ensure that life lessons are learned inside the gym. Some crucial values are integrity, honour, courage, and discipline.

Another training in martial arts is about the significance of failure. Failures cannot be avoided in life, but martial arts teach how to embrace failure and see it as an opportunity for improvement.


A recent 2020 report revealed that Australian children are the worst bullies in the world. The reports show that at least 1 in 10 Aussie teenagers have been bashed or bullied in school. A staggering 30% of Australian high school students are victims of bullying.

Bully-proof your child with vital lessons from martial arts. Empower your child by helping them build a strong body and mind. Self-defence skills they learn in martial arts training can serve as a defensive strategy against physical attacks from bullies. Your child will also learn life lessons in the training halls that can be carried over in other areas of their life, ensuring their success.

Image Credits: Thao Le Hoang

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