Can Solar Energy Be Stored? Everything You Need to Know

in Home Improvement

When you are planning on installing solar panels at your home, there’s a lot to consider. It can be an expensive process upfront, though the long-term savings are always worth it.

Obviously, solar power will save you money every month on your electricity. On top of that, sustainable energy is one of the best environmentally-conscious decisions you can make as a homeowner and as a consumer.

With more and more of our lives revolving around technology and electricity, choosing solar energy as a renewable energy source to power those devices is crucial to the success and health of our planet.

One of the most common questions that homeowners ask, however, is if you can store solar energy. After all, your home isn’t always consuming tons of energy.

What if everyone is gone all day at work or school? Does energy collect for use later on? Keep reading to find out now.

How Do Solar Panels Work?

When you have solar panels installed at your home or business, they are connected to your home’s electrical system. Your panels are constantly converting rays from the sun into electricity.

This can happen even on cloudy days, though it’s more efficient on bright, sunny days. When the sun is shining, more solar energy is produced.

This electricity feeds into your home’s power source and powers all appliances, lights, and devices inside your home. It’s an instantaneous reaction. Light converts to power which is used by your home right away.

But at night time solar power is no longer generated since the sun is gone. But you still need electricity. So what happens?

Can You Store Solar Energy?

Normally, at night, when your home is still using electricity but none is being generated by your panels, your electricity source would switch to your power grid. This is the dirty electricity produced by burning coal and other fossil fuels, provided by your local utility company.

It’s a backup power source, but most solar-powered homes still derive a percentage of their overall electricity use from it.

One way to store and use electricity at night is with a solar battery. These don’t come standard with solar installations. They are an extra cost and not every homeowner needs them. You should also be aware that a solar balance of system is required to make the whole installation work.

During periods of time when you generate excess electricity, your battery gets charged up. Then, once the sun goes down, you start drawing from your battery.

Alternatives to a Solar Battery

Solar batteries don’t come cheap, and they might not be the best solution for your home. Another option is to have your professional solar installer tie your solar panels to your power grid.

When you do so, your excess electricity can then be sold to your power company. Once the sun goes down, you then draw electricity from there. Rather than paying for it, you use up the credits you’ve earned from selling your excess in the first place.

So it’s kind of like storing electricity, but you don’t have to buy an expensive battery. Consult a professional to determine the best option for you. Visit if you are looking for an installer in Arlington.

A Win-Win Situation

Either way, whether you have a solar battery or are tied to the power grid, you can use up your excess solar energy free of charge, saving you money. You don’t have to worry about paying for electricity at night.

The options available today make solar power so much more inviting than it was a few years ago.

Looking for more articles like this? Be sure to visit our home improvement section.

Image Credits: Vivint Solar

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