Changing Faces: Adjusting Your Recruitment Drive To A Remote Landscape

in Business

While remote work might’ve seemed like a temporary fix when it soared into the business world at the start of 2020, the vast majority of enterprises are now considering at least flexible arrangements in the long-term. Given that employees have been crying out for this change across the past ten years or more, this is a significant step towards keeping everyone that bit happier. But, employees will still inevitably leave your fold at some point, and when they do, you need to know how best to seek and integrate new team members into a remote setup that you’re still working to get your head around.

Of course, if the idea of specifically remote employment sends your heart racing, then you can still do things the old way and adjust remotely down the line. That said, with the ability to access a wider talent pool being a pressing benefit of remote work in general, you may fail to gain a much-needed competitive edge by holding onto these now largely stale processes.

Instead, securing top talent moving forward is largely about adjusting recruitment processes towards a remote landscape. Here, we consider three of the simplest ways for you to start doing precisely that.

Tailor the most cohesive possible remote recruitments

Glitchy video meetings, lost online documents, and general inefficiencies in your tech-based hiring processes aren’t exactly going to highlight you as a company worth working with in a remote sense. Instead, you need to make sure that your remote recruitments are a little more streamlined. The right software, maintained by an expert IT Managed Services Provider to reduce the risks of downtime or other issues, is obviously essential in this sense. Make sure, too, that you put in place clear processes, designated data sets, and generally overseen employment drives (made easier by specific hiring tools) regardless of whether or not you’re meeting those people in person.

Understand your remote criteria

You don’t want to ditch your idea of a ‘great’ employee just because you’re doing things differently, but you may want to seek specific remote skills within that existing recruitment template. Hiring someone with experience of remote roles can be especially beneficial for ensuring their immediate integration. Equally, the ability to self-motivate, adaptability, and increased trustworthiness are all essential for making sure of a remote hire that you can put your money on, even if you’ve never seen that individual face-to-face.

Reassess your training focuses

Appealing to the largest remote talent pool also relies on competitive training focuses. These should include the ability to remotely shadow existing employees (either through access to their dashboards/video calls/etc.) and also the ability to learn from any location. Investment into one of the many now digitised employee training programmes especially ensures not only competitive offerings during employment, but also the reassurance that new remote colleagues will be able to produce competitive results in half the time.

Remote recruitment offers a world of possibility, but it’s also a step away from what we know. Make sure you can keep up by adjusting with the help of these tips.

Image Credits: Matilda Wormwood

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