Choose the Best Hosting for your WordPress Site

in Software

You already know what hosting is and how important it is to choose a good web host. Now, we are going to see what you should keep in mind to find the provider. I will not make you dizzy with many technical aspects, instead, I will go briefly go through the aspects that I consider most important.

Make it easy to manage

There are managed Wordpress hosting companies with very good performance, but they haven’t done everything they can in terms of management of the server by the user. I will show you a couple of points that you should consider in this regard.

One-click installation

Why are you going to do the entire WordPress installation process by hand when you can do it in one click automatically? Good quality hosting companies have this option, so make sure the hosting you are considering has it. It will save you time and avoid work.


Having a simple and intuitive control panel is paramount. Keep in mind that from there, you will create email accounts, manage your SFTP or FTPS access (because FTP is vulnerable in terms of security), expand or reduce the contracted resources, access your databases, create redirects and subdomains, have access to statistics, etc.

The standard in WordPress hosting India right now is cPanel. If you subscribe to hosting with this system, you will be getting an industry-standard experience.

There are also hosts with their own panels. Some are very bad, others excellent. If you have the opportunity to try them before purchasing the hosting, then do it.

Good speed

What is the use of installing the best template and the lightest plugins if the server your website is hosted on is slow? The loading speed of your website is very important, and all the elements that influence it must be optimized, starting with the hosting.

Unfortunately, some providers do not give you trial access. In these cases, assess if you are interested in paying a month of hosting to be able to try it. You should not be paying a month of each hosting you want to try, but maybe it is worth it if you are undecided between your final choices.

In any case, you should have your website optimized so that loading time is fast, and the server works as well as possible.


Call their customer service, and ask for information about their services, assess if they are transparent. You should ask all the questions you have. It is good to see how they respond.

It is also important that you perform a Google search with terms like “reviews hosting xxxxx”. You will quickly see the reputation of hosting service providers and whether users complain about any specific aspect of their service.

Security of the Servers

Many people think that having a security plugin installed in their WordPress will prevent being hacked. Sorry to say, this is not true.

If your website is hosted on shared hosting and another website owned by someone else is infected, the problem may affect you. If a virus enters your server that causes an error in it, your security plugin has no way to fight that.

Therefore, you should find out if they have any automatic backup system. This way, you could restore your website to a previous state in case of disaster, though you should really be taking your own backups and not keeping the backup in the same place as your website.

Some hosting companies even have the possibility of restoring a backup in one click. You simply choose the point you want to return to, press the button and the system takes care of everything.

Technical support and customer service

For me, this is the most important point of all, without a doubt. When you have a problem, you will want to be helped quickly and well.

I like to deal with this type of problem over the phone. If my website is down, I don’t want to be sending tickets and waiting to be answered. Two hours later? The next day? You need a fast answer, at least via live chat.

Image Credits: Unsplash

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