Five Ways to Make Your Website More Interactive

in Software

Let’s face it, interactive websites are a lot more fun! If a user feels engaged and interested by your website and is able to interact with different components of it, they are much more likely to come back for more, resulting in increased traffic generation for your site as well as a larger potential customer base if your site has an online store. Users who are intrigued and fascinated by the interactivity of your website are also much more likely to recommend your site to others, again generating more traffic, and increasing the amount of potential views and clicks that could earn you some cash. In this day and age many websites are interactive, and if you’re looking to stay at the top of your game and ahead of the competition, it’s important that yours is too. If you don’t yet have a website then start taking a look at some website design and development services so you can remain competitive! We’ve put together a list of some of the best things that you can add to your site to increase its interactivity and make it more interesting to users.

Social Media

These days everybody has at least one social media account, from Facebook to Twitter to Instagram and LinkedIn for the up-to-date professional. Social media has exploded and it’s commonplace in everyday life, making sites without it a little bit boring. Adding social media to your site not only keeps it up to date with moving trends, it’s also a great way to add some basic interaction. Allow users to ‘like’ a Facebook page, ‘Follow’ you on Twitter, or view all your great photos on Instagram. Having the option for users to share your site, blog posts, or products on their own social media accounts is also a great way to gain some more attention, grow your online presence, and attract more users. For those with sites that require a log in, giving your users the option to log in via a social media account provides more convenience and ease of use that many will appreciate.

User-Generated Content

Allowing users to generate some of the content on your site themselves is also another ideal way of making your site more interactive. Some examples of user generated content are forums, discussion boards, question and answer boards, and comment features on any articles and posts on your site where users can share their views, opinions, and even ask further questions. Allowing users to generate some content on your site will not only keep it updated, it helps to keep content flowing regularly which in turn results in users coming back to your site for more.


Including videos on your website is a great way to interact with your users. For example, if you run a website or blog that is centered around a specific product, you could include a video where you review the product or test it so that the users can see how it works. Videos are a lot more interactive than simply reading text, and can add a lot of value to your website when done right. If you are considering making some quality and professional videos to add to your site in order to improve its interactivity, check out this Orlando video production company.

Incentives and Freebies

Giving your users the option to claim a free gift or download something for free is a great way to increase interactivity between users and your website. If you do decide to go for this option, you can make your site even more interactive by including a forum where users can review or discuss the free product that they claimed, or even upload photographs and videos – again, this is user generated content that will keep your users coming back for more. Freebies and other incentives in themselves are also great ways to generate traffic to your site.

Frequent Updates

An interactive site is one that is updated frequently, and listens to the needs and wishes of its users in order to meet them whenever possible. If you have forums or discussion boards on your site, it’s a great idea to ask your users themselves what they’d like to see more of on the site – an especially good strategy for those who run a blog. By asking your users, you’ll be able to tailor your content to suit them, and get regular ideas so that you can update your site more often. Adding fresh content to your site on a regular basis will attract many users back to your site as they’ll want to see what’s new. If that sounds difficult then hiring a content writing service can really help. Making your website interactive definitely isn’t difficult!

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