Choosing a Nice Folding Table for Your Banquet: Some Quick Tips!

in Lifestyle

Imagine this: You’ve thrown an extravagant banquet, and everything has gone off without a hitch.

The food and drinks are delicious, the music perfectly suits the mood, and the venue provides the perfect, picturesque backdrop.

There’s just one problem: One of your guests slips and grabs a table to break her fall, and the table collapses under the weight. Your guest is embarrassed, and the elegant ambiance you’ve created is destroyed in a matter of seconds.

Fortunately, this nightmarish faux pas is entirely avoidable. All you have to do is make sure you pick a nice folding table for your event.

How to Pick a Nice Folding Table

There are so many elements that go into a nice banquet, but you shouldn’t neglect the tables you’re using.

Here are three key things to look for in a nice folding table.


Is your banquet going to be held outside? Will the table need to bear a lot of weight? Is there a chance people will be leaning on it, or spilling things on it?

If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, then it’s important you get a folding table that is durable.

A high weight rating will ensure your table can hold up to a chaotic party environment. An intricate track-off—or the crisscrossed pattern underneath the tabletop—is also a good sign.


If you pick a secure thin folding table, then you don’t have to worry about it tumbling down during your banquet.

The key is to make sure you pick a table that has a strong locking system, so the legs won’t bend or collapse during dinner. Pro tip: A gravity locking ring is the best of the best in terms of security.


Have you ever thrown a party and realized you needed to re-arrange the setup an hour before guests started arriving? If so, then you already know the benefits of having a portable folding table.

Tables that are lightweight are easier to move, and it’s even better if you can find a table that comes with a handle or some other kind of carrying strap.

Think About Aesthetics

Once you’ve determined what kind of functionality your folding tables need, it’s time to think about how they will look.

If you plan to use tablecloths at your banquet, then the aesthetics of the table won’t matter as much. You can feel free to pick a plastic, aluminum, or plywood folding table—all great options in terms of durability and portability.

But if you want to add a rustic-elegant look to your party, opt for finished wood folding tables. You can pair them with a simple floral centerpiece for a look that’s simple yet refined.

Enjoy Your Event

The right folding table might seem like a relatively small detail, but picking the wrong one can have big consequences.

Now that you’ve put in the work to pick the perfect folding tables for your event, you can rest easy knowing that they can live up to the occasion.

Want more quick lifestyle tips? Check out our other articles.

Image Credits: Rawpixel

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