Completely Transform Your Home and Your Life with Pantone’s Color of the Year

in Home Improvement

Pantone Color Institute recently announced ‘Greenery’ as the color of the year. Symbolic of blooming, lush foliage, this color is sure to relax and revitalize everything it comes into contact with. Right from your wardrobe to your home, this color has the power to give anything a fresh spin. Take a look at some gorgeous home design trends embracing this new hue and get inspired to give your house the 2017 up-do.

Start with the Entry way

A vivid pop of color right at the entrance of your house automatically raises the energy levels of the house. This way you and your guests can feel refreshed as soon as they walk in. Add a dash of the green through little ornaments, artwork or even adding miniature succulents would bring about the earthy feel.

Painting your front door green is another great way to add the color to this area while setting the tone for the house.

Turn Your Living Room into a Sanctuary

After a hard day’s work, everyone needs some TLC! And your living room can very well be the source of such love and care with a few simple modifications. The color green is known to calm and reduce anxiety in individuals. You can incorporate this color to your space by use of fabrics through curtains and/or upholstery.

You can even use paintings and accessories or natural plants and succulents to enhance the effect of the hue. Complement that with a few scented candles and cozy throws and you’ll have a living room ready to envelop you in a warm hug whenever you come home.

Spa Bathrooms

Spa Bathrooms

Before you start jumping to conclusions, I’m not suggesting adding a hot-tub or sauna to your bathroom, but rather channeling a spa-esque vibe in your bathroom. Green is known to reduce anxiety and relax everyone who comes in contact. Splash it over a wall, add a small plant or get creative with tiles or wall papers! Add your favorite bottle of incense and some fluffy towels to the mix and watch your bathroom transform.

Relaxed Sleep is the Key to a Stable Mind

Stylish Bedroom Design

Simple changes in bedroom can make a world of a difference to your mood, attitude and energy levels (even while you sleep)! It has a lot to do with the frame of mind you’re in when you’re going to bed as well as when you wake up. Pick a wall and paint it green, go crazy with different patterns and designs if block colors are too main stream for you. The possibilities are endless.

If that is too risqué for you, pick a statement headboard for your bed. You can also get in touch with sourcing agents while decorating your room for additional décor options and a wider range of designs.

Green Kitchen, Green Living

Green Kitchen, Green Living

Your kitchen is the ideal place to flaunt your love for the color green. It has positive effects on your appetite and eating habits; and looks great while doing that. Use funky floor and wall tiles to include the hue in your kitchen or, green colored appliances as statement pieces, or both!

You can also use naturally found green foods as décor elements, this will tie-in with the running theme of Greenery, while keeping it natural. It could be anything from a basket of apples to an indoor herb garden.

The end goal of incorporating ‘Greenery’ in your house is to literally embrace nature and all things natural. These days, most of us tend to lose touch with nature, while subconsciously trying to reconnect. By adding this color to your surroundings you can do exactly that, but subliminally. The best way to go is to add natural elements and plants to your environment, while accenting it with design elements following the same theme. Start small or go for a full-blown make-over, whatever you need to make yourself feel happier and healthier in your home!

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