Creating The Ultimate Fun-Filled Entertainment Room

in Home Improvement

No home is complete without an entertainment room. A great living room and a big kitchen are good places to start, but you need a place to relax. You need a place where you can de-stress after a long day at work. You need an entertainment room. Hold on, though, because it isn’t as easy as throwing together a sofa and plasma screen combination. Creating the ultimate entertainment room is an art and one you have to learn if you want to hit the brief. With that in mind, underneath are a handful of tips which will help with the process.

What Do You Want?

First of all, do you want a separate room or are you going to merge the living and entertainment room? Although the majority of people like two different spaces, a lack of room might dictate circumstances. Next, it is crucial that you decide on the room’s function. Is it a place to chill and unwind, or do you like to relax by being physical? If it is the former, a comfy armchair and a mini-fridge full of beer are worth considering. For the more physical types, try adding games and consoles to maintain the adrenaline levels.

Do You Have The Money?

It is all well and good saying you want a pool table and bar, but you have to consult your finances first. An entertainment room doesn’t come cheap, and it is important to set out a budget to make sure it is affordable. So, before you make any investments, double check it doesn’t obliterate your financial plan in one foul swoop. If you don’t have the money, think of thrifty ways to get what you want. Anyone who wants a home cinema system, for example, needs to shop around for a good deal. A tip: Kind Sound has low prices. An even thriftier method is to ask for the friends and family discount. Or, use your contacts to slash the price further.

Take The Layout Seriously

An entertainment room should never be hard work. The entire point of the space is to make life easier, which is where the design comes into play. Far too many people cobble as many features together as possible and ruin the access. Your job is to consider the features you want and format them so that they work seamlessly. For example, a fridge should be within touching distance of the armchair but shouldn’t get in the way of the pool table. If you are unsure, map it out beforehand and visualise it in your mind.

Substance Over Style

Lastly, don’t let the appearance of the room impinge on the comfort. Again, this is a space where you want to relax and de-stress. Therefore, it has to be a comfortable space which doesn’t add to your stress levels. Think about the furniture for a moment. Anything that is hard and rough and doesn’t take your weight is not up to scratch. You should sink into a sofa or an armchair, not bounce off it.

Before you can have any fun, you have to take care of the boring stuff first.

Image Credits: Derek Jensen

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