Developing Software At Home? Consider These Options Before Publication

in Software


It’s the dream of anyone proficient in IT work – developing a form of app that is so popular it proves to sweep the world much in the same way that Facebook did. Every technophile dreams of making that indentation in the software world to earn themselves a place in the prestigious Silicon Valley. However, like with anything else prestigious, getting there requires hard work, effort, and a multitude of practices before you see any light at the end of the hard work tunnel.

If you are developing software at home in your own spare time, you’re likely a very intelligent individual just looking for his or her big break. You’ve developed your software or mobile app, and now you’re sat with the preliminary build. Now it falls to you to make sure that the software is stable, intuitive and clear to use. Much like a writer overlooking his first novel manuscript, cutting and chopping words and unneeded content from the pages within to streamline the whole experience, it falls to you to make sure that your software is free from any ‘bloat.’

Here’s how you can do this:

Submit To Test Case Management

Using a test case management firm to help you identify and meet a set of expected results will take a long process of detailed and intensive testing. This will test the intended utility, practicality, stability and security of your piece of software. Professional companies use it with huge degrees of success, and so it’s important you do the same if you’re hoping to release software on the same level as the big boys. To educate yourself further on this topic, visit QASymphony’s QA metrics and figure out how your software could be improved.

Identify Where It Could Fit In The Market

A piece of software is much like a new business idea. It will only function and gain wings if it has something unique to say and something practical to provide. It’s likely that you’ve begun the painstaking process of developing this software because you noticed that there was a market for it – now it’s time to get those thoughts on paper, in a clear, comprehensive plan that details where your software can fit, how it can be implemented, and what IT systems it can support. Any potential investor or adopter of this software will require you have a good idea of all of this information.

If you don’t no matter the quality of what you’re offering, it’s likely that they’ll be turned off the project, or at best/worst, want you on board and find some way to deceive you about how much the project is worth, when it could be vastly more lucrative if you had a strong idea of the unique nature of your software.

Consider Where You’d Like To Publish It

If you are struggling for software support or investor adoption, you might consider publishing the software yourself and reaping the rewards of its success totally. Find a self-publishing software store such as the Steam software store, which has access to millions of unique users browsing the store from many different countries a day. If not, consider releasing the item open-source and for free on GitHub, which will not net you any money, but will surely expand your reputation to dizzying heights if the software is a success.

Then, when all is taken into account, you may publish at your own discretion. Good luck!

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