Does Your Company Need a Corporate Branding Overhaul?

in Health & Well-being

If you’ve been running a company for a while, it’s likely that you have built up a brand in the process.  Quite often, especially where small businesses are concerned, their brand has been botched together over the years, rather than being purposely built.  And, whilst this can work during the early days of your business, it doesn’t look professional as you start to grow and expand.  Here, ecig marketing company Eventige, take a look at the questions to ask yourself to see if you need to complete a full brand overhaul.

Are You Constantly Apologizing for Your Website?

If you’re unwilling to hand over your website’s address, or find yourself constantly apologizing for the state of it, it’s time to rethink your branding.  A basic WordPress site might work okay when you’re just starting out, but long term you need a site that looks professional.  A professional site makes you look like a professional company, whereas a poorly laid out site with dodgy graphics, makes you look anything but.

Do You Have the Same Values as Your Competitors?

Look at your competitors and see what they claim makes them stand out from the crowd.  More often than not you will all say that you are the top company in the business, and can provide outstanding results, or products.  If this is the case, you need to think outside the box.  Look at ways that you can actually differentiate yourself from competitors and then make it clear.  Your brand should be unique, not another rehash of an already running company.

Has the Market Changes and Left You Behind?

If you’ve had the same branding for the last five years, it’s likely that the industry you are in has changed.  It doesn’t take long for a company to get left behind, and this is especially true where technology is concerned.  If your branding is looking dated, or if your marketing message is no longer relevant to your demographic, it’s time to rethink it.

Do Your Marketing Materials Match?

The reason for creating a brand is so that your identity is clear to all those who see it.  From your website, to your stationery, and any marketing materials you use, everything should fit together with a clear focus on your brand.  If you take a look at all of your marketing materials and find that they are all disjointed, you don’t have a clear brand.  A corporate branding overhaul could help to get everything back into one identity.

Have You Only Just Considered the Above Points Now?

If you’ve only just considered branding after reading this article, it’s likely that yours needs improving.  A well run business will consider branding in everything they do, from social media promotion, to their websites, to their emails, and their discussions with clients.  If you have never considered branding before, it’s time that you made it a priority.  The importance of good company branding should not be underestimated.

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