Dress Up Your Garage with Seamless Floor Coating

in Home Improvement

The garage is probably one of the least-maintained spaces in most homes. A garage is a large storage area typically connected to a house. If you have one, you likely park your cars inside to keep them safe from precipitation, burglars, and unfavorable weather conditions.

Often, a garage is messy and dirty. It’s not exactly a place you want to spend more time than needed. The only time you spent in the garage for extended hours is when you repair your car or look for something stored inside the garage.

Most homeowners treat their garage as a storage room to tuck things away from sight. It includes various gardening and woodworking tools, vehicles like cars and bikes, larger equipment, and other rarely-used items. But without thinking about the design and organization of your garage, you’ll end up creating a nest for bugs, pests, and a lot of clutter.

A nice-looking garage will significantly improve your attitude towards it, so you’ll be less likely just to run in and out when needed. Instead, you’ll treat it as a vital part of your home. Here are some tips from Dallas Concrete Artisans to give your garage a little design update, from garage floor coating suggestions to organization tips.

Seamless Floor Coating

Consider updating your garage for aesthetic and safety purposes by changing its floor coating. Garage floors are usually lined with vinyl or epoxy but are often not seamless. A seamless floor coating will altogether remove all joints and edges from sight and is exceptionally durable and chemical-resistant.

As it’s completely covered end-to-end, the material has virtually no pores, so mold and bacteria are unlikely to grow in that environment. It also shows much less wear and tear than concrete floors, while being highly customizable with various decorative options. No matter how you look at it, it’s an excellent investment for any residential garage space.

Choosing a Floor Design

There’s a strong design aspect in choosing a seamless garage floor coating. The resin used to ensure seamlessness is the same type used in showrooms, offices, gyms, and clinics, so it’s aesthetically pleasing enough to show guests. It means that once you decide to switch your garage floors for seamless ones, you won’t be able to resist showing it off to others. So from here on, it’s a good idea to think about how you want your garage to look.

Contractor Source offers a variety of garage floor coating options. Think solid colors, metallics, quartz, chips, or a gorgeous combination of your choice. If you’re going to use your garage as a personal workshop or showroom, then you’ll love the chiffon rose quartz coating.

For a more all-purpose but trendy look, consider shimmery pearl with green reflects. It’s a superb choice to bring brightness into an otherwise ordinary garage. You don’t have to worry about colors fading or getting stained, as the resin coating will protect the beautiful sheen. It also makes cleaning easy because anything can be wiped off without a problem.

Organizing Your Garage

The best part about upgrading your garage floor coating is that you’ll be forced to take almost everything out for installation. It’s an excellent opportunity for you to look through everything you own, sort them out, and determine what should and shouldn’t be kept.

Organizing gurus like Marie Kondo provide tips on how to fill your garage with only necessities.

When you know what you want to keep, don’t skimp on storage. A visually-pleasing and practical garage begin with how well you store items. Installing wall shelves and large closets will save you, but ensure that they’re made with material that can withstand fluctuating weather conditions. Remember that your garage is unlikely to be temperature-controlled, so only choose materials that aren’t porous and will not mold or attract pests.

With that, you’re all set to give your garage a seamless update!

Image Credits: jamiefarris

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