DUI, Extreme DUI, and Aggravated DUI Charges

in Automobiles

DUI charges can be an intimidating prospect, particularly if you do not actually know what the penalties you might face for a conviction are. Even worse, there are different levels of DUI charge, from a regular DUI to an Extreme DUI, or even an Aggravated DUI. But what is the difference between these different levels? And what are the penalties for each one? Is your browser history full of search queries like ‘Bellevue DUI lawyer‘? We have put together a basic guide to the sort of penalties you can expect for each level of DUI charge in the state of Arizona.

Read on below for more information on DUI charges and the precise consequences you might face for different levels of DUI offense!

What are the penalties for a DUI?

For a standard DUI charge, the penalties in Arizona are strict but reasonable. For a first offense, you will receive a jail sentence of not less than 10 days and a fine of not less than $1,250, and you will be required to equip any vehicle you may drive with a certified ignition interlock device. You will also be required to undergo treatment, education, and/or screening for alcohol issues and to perform a period of community service.

For a second or subsequent offense, you will receive jail time of not less than 90 days and a fine of not less than $3,000, and you will be required to equip any vehicle you may drive with a certified ignition interlock device. You will also be required to undergo treatment, education, and/or screening for alcohol issues and to perform a period of community service.

What are the penalties for an Extreme DUI?

An extreme DUI is a category that applies to drivers with a BAC of 0.15% or higher. This constitutes very severe impairment and comes with stricter penalties than a standard DUI.

For a first offense, you will be jailed for not less than 30 days and fined not less than $2,500, and you will be required to equip any vehicle you may drive with a certified ignition interlock device. You will also be required to undergo treatment, education, and/or screening for alcohol issues and to perform a period of community service.

For second and subsequent offenses, you will receive jail time of not less than 120 days and be fined not less than $3,250. You will also lose your license for 12 months, and you will be required to equip any vehicle you may drive with a certified ignition interlock device. You will also be required to undergo treatment, education, and/or screening for alcohol issues and to perform a period of community service.

What are the penalties for an Aggravated DUI?

An aggravated DUI is a category of offense that applies to anyone who commits a further DUI offense while their license is suspended, revoked, or cancelled. It also applies to anyone who commits a third DUI within an 84 month period or a DUI while a person under the age of 15 is in the vehicle or while under an ignition interlock device requirement.

The penalties for an aggravated DUI are heavy: you will receive a jail sentence of not more than two years, as well as fines and jail time for lesser offenses. Your license will be revoked for a year, and you will be required to equip any vehicle you may drive with a certified ignition interlock device. You will also be required to undergo treatment, education, and/or screening for alcohol issues and to perform a period of community service.

What is a Certified Ignition Interlock Device?

A Certified Ignition Interlock Device is an instrument for testing breath alcohol levels. It is installed in your car and connected to the ignition and power system of the vehicle. In order to start the vehicle, the driver must blow into the device, and if their breath alcohol level is beyond a certain threshold, the device will prevent the car from starting. The driver will also have to blow into the device occasionally while the vehicle is operating, providing readings throughout the journey.


For more information on DUI charges in the state of Arizona, check local government websites. These penalties are designed to discourage dangerous driving because driving under the influence does not just put yourself at risk but also everyone around you. It is a serious offense and a serious danger, and it is important that you always drive safely and responsibly!

Image Credits: KOMUnews

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