Everything You Need To Know About Metal Roofing in San Diego

in Home Improvement

Does your current roof need replacement? Have you considered the benefits of metal roofing? These structures are no longer just used for commercial but also for residential purposes.

A large number of homeowners in San Diego opt for metal roofing due to its longevity, eco-friendliness, energy efficiency, low maintenance, and durability. Individuals are provided with various roofing material options, such as copper, aluminum, zinc, steel, etc. Each type is suitable for different environments and weather elements.

There are numerous reliable metal roofing contractors in the San Diego area, handling both residential and commercial roofing projects. The cost of these projects depends on multiple factors like the fasteners, type of material, size, coating, and installation.

Here is everything you need to know about metal roofing.


Metal roofs are made from various materials, not just steel. The location of a house, along with the environment, plays a tremendous role in the choice of metal. For instance, copper roofs have been installed for centuries due to their recyclable nature and longevity. Given copper is considered a soft metal, this type of roofing is quiet when it rains.

Even though the softness of copper minimizes the noise from rain, it makes these structures susceptible to hail damage. Hailstones can dent the copper, which is why copper roofing isn’t recommended in hail-prone areas. Also, this material is prone to expansion and contraction when exposed to extreme changes in temperature.

Aluminum roofs are considered the best solution for coastal climates, as this metal is resistant to salt corrosion by reacting immediately to atmospheric conditions. When reacting with the oxygen in the environment, it creates an aluminum oxide layer, protecting the roof from potential corrosion. Just like copper roofing, aluminum roofs are expensive to install, the price depending on the market.

Moreover, the lightweight of the panels is an important factor to have in mind in high-wind areas. Aluminum roofs aren’t the best decision for homeowners dwelling in areas with strong winds, hail, and other environmental stresses. Click here to gain a better understanding of the properties and uses of aluminum.

Zinc roofing is another type of metal residents of San Diego can use when installing a residential roof. It’s among the eco-friendliest roofing materials because of its low melting point and its recyclable character. On the negative side, zinc is likely to turn blue or gray when unpainted for a longer period. Also, the softness of this material makes it easily damaged by high winds and hail.

Another green material used as metal roofing is steel, incorporated into both commercial and residential buildings. It’s more affordable when compared to copper, aluminum, and zinc, thus being a convenient solution for most homeowners. Three types of steel are available to San Diego residents, including galvanized steel, galvalume steel, and weathering steel.

Galvanized steel has a zinc layer that protects the metal from corrosion and extends its lifespan. In contrast, galvalume steel uses a mixture of zinc and aluminum as a coating, which makes it even more corrosion-resistant. While aluminum provides better protection against corrosion, it makes these roofs more susceptible to scratches.

Even though weathering steel was primarily used for bridge construction, it’s nowadays used as a roofing material as well. The outer layer of this material is designed to rust intentionally in order to protect the inner layer. The following link, https://www.steelconstruction.info/Weathering_steel, explains the benefits, availability, and appearance of weathering steel.

Given steel is a hard metal; it can be used as a roofing solution in a variety of weather environments. It’s the best alternative for regions prone to hail and strong winds. Also, many people prefer to install steel roofs in mountain regions where snow volumes are high.


Metal roofing has become an attractive alternative for many residents of San Diego owing to its long lifespan. These roofs are known to last at least forty to more than seventy years as long as they are installed properly. Consequently, once you have such a roof installed, you won’t have to worry about replacing it any time soon. Conversely, traditional roofing materials like asphalt have a much shorter lifespan, between twelve and twenty years.

Another remarkable benefit of metal roofing is the eco-friendly nature of this material, which makes it among the most sustainable alternatives. These roofs are made from a minimum of twenty-five percent recycled materials. In fact, aluminum roofs are approximately 95% made up of recycled materials. Additionally, these materials are entirely recyclable, particularly steel, which can be recycled an endless number of times without losing strength.

Moreover, metal roofs are excellent platforms for installing solar panels and rainwater harvesting systems, ideal for homeowners looking to join environmentally friendly initiatives. The light weight of metal roofs makes them perfect for re-roofing projects, allowing roofers to install them on top of asphalt shingles without overburdening the structure. Consequently, the old roofing won’t have to be sent to a landfill.

Apart from being eco-friendly, metal roofs are energy-efficient as well. These have the capacity to radiate solar heat instead of simply absorbing it. Due to the reflection of solar heat, this type of roofing enables homeowners to reduce their cooling costs in the course of summer. Some roofs even come equipped with reflective pigments specially designed to reduce heat gain. As a result, residents would feel comfortable without turning up the AC.

Metal roofs are also known for their durability, as these are designed to withstand rain, snow, high winds, mold, mildew, debris, rodent damage, etc. These materials are rated as fire-resistant, which makes them incredibly popular among homeowners in fire-prone areas.

In terms of maintenance, metal roofs aren’t too demanding. The upkeep these materials require is minimal, including inspections twice a year, as well as following storms. In order to maintain your roof, you only need to remove the branches, debris, and leaves from the surface and in the gutters.

Another benefit of this roofing is the lower cost in the long term. While it costs more upfront, the costs are much lower in the long term. Considering its long lifespan, homeowners won’t have to replace the roof for six decades, which isn’t the case with shingle roofing materials.

What factors influence the cost of metal roofs?

Before installing metal roofing in San Diego, residents are advised to consider the factors that affect the price of these structures, as their cost isn’t universal. The fasteners and interlocks are an important aspect to factor in when calculating the price.

For instance, exposed fastener products are cheaper than concealed fastener products. In spite of their affordable price, the former are less durable and trickier to maintain. The higher cost of the latter results from the use of more metal and more intricate installation. These are also wind-resistant and more durable.

Another factor that affects the cost of such roofing is the coatings. For example, steel roofs with a clear coating are more budget-friendly because of the low quality of this finish. This coating has a tendency to wear off after about five to seven years of being exposed to different forms of weather. Stone coating is another low-cost finish, which is infamous for holding algae.

In contrast, colored paint finishes rely on super pigmentation, which can be recoated as times go by. The erosion period of colored paint finishes is a minimum of thirty years. Also, the type of metal you choose for your roofing project plays an important role in the overall project cost. Aluminum, zinc, and copper are among the more expensive variants, whereas steel tends to be cheaper.

Furthermore, the size of homes and the roof slope are worth considering. The larger the size of your home, the higher the project cost. Steeper roofs are trickier to install or replace than flat ones, as contractors spend more hours on installation. The shape of homes is likely to boost the price as well. The more angles and dormers there are, the higher the price.

Another factor that increases the project cost is attic ventilation. Unless the ventilation in your attic is optimal, you’d have to invest in improving its condition. Your attic should be dry and free of mold to improve the longevity of the product. It should be equipped with the right type of exhaust fans and moisture-free insulation.

Final word

Metal roofing keeps on increasing in popularity.

Why not join the trend?

Image Credits: Mmanokhin

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