First Time Dog Owner? Here’s How to Prepare

in Pets

If you have never owned a dog in the past, getting ready to bring your pooch home is a very exciting, but sometimes daunting task. There is no doubt that having a dog changes your life, so you need to make sure you are totally prepared before you welcome them into your house. You want to make sure that they feel totally comfortable in their new environment and settle in as quickly as possible. With so much to do, it can feel overwhelming, but here is a quick guide to help you out.

Prepare Everyone for their Responsibilities

Though welcoming a dog into your home is a joyous experience, there are also a lot of responsibilities that need taking care of by you and everyone who lives under the roof. You may need to set out a timetable of who can take your dog out for a walk and when as you many of you will have differing commitments. And, of course, your dog will need someone around to feed them! Making these preparations before your pooch arrives will help to smooth the transition.

Buy All the Things They Need

This is certainly the part that people enjoy the most – buying all the things that your dog needs! Take a trip over to your local pet store and tick off the items one-by-one including leash, collar, treats, bed, toys, food, flea and tick for dogs products and anything else that catches your eye! Different dogs require different types of food so you should check up on this before buying anything. Having all these things ready will make it much easier to settle your dog in quickly.

Find a Good Vet

Choosing a good vet in your local area is absolutely essential in making sure that your dog stays happy and healthy. The internet has provided a great tool in checking what people have to say about the different options that are out there. You should also look for you closest 24 emergency animal hospital in case any unexpected situations arise at any point. If you are adopting a dog, you should aim to gather their papers so you can see what treatments they have already had.

Dog-Proof Your House

You never really know how your dog is going to react to their new environment, so you should make sure that you have thought about keeping your valuable items protected. For example, you may want to move your shoes into a contained rack so they don’t end up getting torn to shreds! You should also look at moving your chemicals up onto high shelves and taping electrical cords onto baseboards to dog-proof your home.

On the Day

Ideally, you want to give yourself a couple of days to get your dog used to their new environment. When they first arrive, they are likely to be nervous, so let your dog do some exploring. If you have a yard, you should bring them out there so they know where they need to go to the bathroom.

Image Credits: Pexels

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