What to Do with a New Puppy if You Work All Day

in Pets

Getting a new puppy and bringing him or her home is an exciting time for everyone. There is that initial thrill, sense of adventure, and the adjustment period. The adjustment period will include this new family member getting used to being on their own all day while you are at work. So how can you help to make this period a smooth transition for all? Here are some useful tips.

Hire a Professional Dog Walker

One of the best ways to help a new puppy adjust, or help any dog for that matter, is to hire a professional dog walker. Classic Sitting Services is a great example of a company that will work with you to create a customized walking schedule for your dog. This allows the dog to get out, stretch their legs, have some much-needed exercise and socialization time, plus gives the dog a chance to go to the bathroom during the day.

For a brand new puppy, you may want to schedule a couple of walks per day to begin with, then as they become better adjusted you can likely decrease it to just one walk a day.

Create a Safe Space for Your Puppy

Because you won’t be home to keep an eye on them, it’s important to create a safe space for your puppy. This could be a crate where they feel comfortable and safe or it could be a room that is blocked off from other areas of the house where you have removed anything that could be dangerous to them. This also means you won’t have to worry about coming home to messes after a long day at work.

Give Them Something to Do

Another tip is to leave them something to do. There are a number of great chew style toys that are meant to keep dogs busy while you aren’t around. It’s a good idea to keep these toys as their daytime toys only so they don’t end up getting bored of them. As well, just as you would do with a child, you can rotate their options so it keeps things interesting.

Make Sure You Provide Exercise When You’re Home

If your puppy will be spending their days in a crate, it’s extremely important to provide them with adequate exercise when you get home. A well exercised dog is a happy and well-behaved dog. This could mean taking the dog for a walk, playing at the park, playing in the backyard, or even engaging in a game inside the house. Exercising your dog also acts as a wonderful bonding experience, which is great for a new puppy.

Set Your Puppy Up for Success

By taking time to give your puppy things to do during the day, meet their needs when you are at home, and even hire a dog walker, you will be setting your puppy up for success. Just because you work full-time doesn’t mean you can’t have a happy and well trained dog.

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