Flip Your Hair, Flash a Smile: How to Catch a Model Scout

in Fashion

Have you dreamed about becoming a model like Tyra Banks?

We probably all have at one point. The idea of being picked as one of the most beautiful people on earth and having our faces plastered everywhere is a dream come true for many.

Getting the attention of a model scout is a sure way to get there. But how do you do get to become the prodigy of one of these gatekeepers?

Here’s everything you need to know about model scouts and what model scouts look for.

  1. Use Social Media Wisely

Social media sites like Instagram are the easiest way to get hold of a model scout these days. You don’t even have to leave your home.

Think carefully about what you post and how you are seen on social media. Think of it as a personal branding channel. It’s not enough to just be beautiful. You must put a certain amount of thought into how you present yourself.

You could even hire a professional photographer to make sure you get the right shots. Also, consider investing in photo editing software. A good presence on social media will increase your chances of getting noticed by a model agency.

  1. Shop in High-End Brands

Model scouts look at certain branded high-end shops to find potential models. Think Burberry and other great brands.

Don’t just go for the obvious timeless places. Keep up with the fashion world and find out what shops are hot and happening at that moment. Read the fashion magazines and see where other influencers are hanging out.

You want to be seen in one of these places. And you never know—a model scout might come up and approach you.

  1. Rock a Great Outfit

What do model scouts look for? The fact is you’re never going to get the attention of a model scout if your outfit is mediocre—even if your looks are stellar.

Equally, you might not be as good-looking as some of the top models. But if you’re rocking a unique and interesting look, you might just get noticed and picked up.

You need to see yourself as glamorous, as someone who could potentially be photographed on the beaches of the Caribbean with all the other top models. This means you must lead the way in terms of what to wear.

This is one of the best ways to attract the attention of a modelling agency or modelling scout.

  1. Surround Yourself with Beautiful People

It’s a myth that surrounding yourself with other beautiful people leaves you looking like an ugly duckling.

On the contrary, if you are seen with genuinely stunning people, a model scout is likely to view you as being on their level. Make sure you regularly hang out with friends of yours who are as attractive or more attractive then you are.

How to Catch the Eye of a Model Scout

They say everything in life is about faking it. And the same can be said about getting the attention of a model scout.

Act confident, like you are a beautiful person. Surround yourself with beautiful people and hang out in places where beautiful people shop. You never know where you might end up.

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Image Credits: Joeyy Lee

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