How Is Technology Changing Our Lives?

in Technology

2018 saw the amount of internet users in the world surpass 4 billion, which is well over half of the world’s population. The internet has led to countless other technologies being born, such as virtual reality being used in business and money management apps helping with everyday budgeting, which can change how people live their lives. Such technologies often revolve around making tasks more convenient for people, which most people are happy to embrace.

Money management

Technology in money management has already helped people to have more control over their finances. It’s expected that by 2023, 72% of adults will use banking apps, with 22 million people already doing so. Banking apps can already be used to manage money, check accounts and there are finance apps that help you pay bills on time and budget based on what you have to help you pay off debts or save up some money. The future of financial apps and online money management will see things like mortgages being taken out without speaking to a person, meaning security will toughen up too. 

Virtual reality

Virtual reality (VR) has seen a quick growth that is expected to continue as the price of the technology comes down over the next few years. The applications of VR are endless and can be used in countless industries. Some real estate companies already use VR for big sales where buyers live in different countries or are on busy schedules. VR allows them to ‘view’ the property still. It’s likely that all real estate agents will use VR, which will mean that buyers can view multiple properties one after the other, saving time, money on travelling and increasing the chance of purchasing property that they may not have considered previously. VR is a great piece of equipment for training in all sorts of fields, such as replacing simulators in the army or giving surgeons the opportunity to practice operations without any risks involved.

Self-driving vehicles

The reality of self-driving vehicles is already here, but they’re still being tested and fine-tuned. Self-driving cars promise to reduce the risk of accidents, saving lives, and mean that driving tests would become a thing of the past. There would be no need for drivers to pay insurance either, as this would come down to the manufacturers of the vehicles. Some companies behind self-driving cars envision a future where people no longer own cars and instead use their fleet of self-driving cars in a similar way to a taxi or Uber service. This is good news for the environmental impacts of cars as routes would be shorter, efficient and carpooling would be common.

Technology plays a big part in most people’s lives and it’s inevitable that it will continue to do so. Self-driving cars and businesses embracing virtual reality will further help the development of technology and make them so commonplace that they will be a part of everyone’s lives.

Image Credits: Janosch Jung

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