Tech’s Brain Effect

in Technology

There has been drastic technological evolution globally over recent years. Different people invented new cars and communication gadgets. However, technological advancement has led to an increase in using websites like resorts-bonus. codes into the early hours of the morning due to its effect on human physiology. It affects our concentration spans, sleep cycles and memory. The brain changes its behavior according to your experiences. We present to you five ways in which technology affects the human brain.

1. The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

FOMO comprises anxiety, irritation, and inadequacy that occurs when you use different social media platforms. In the past, people who were not familiar with Facebook and Instagram passed time taking drinks and reading magazines. They felt guilty for not utilizing their free time properly.

Currently, many people like posting their images and videos at various recreation centers. Although you might be updating your social media profile constantly, you might wonder whether you are doing the right thing. You might start comparing your food with the pictures your friends upload of classic meals due to FOMO.

2. Insomnia

Some people fall asleep as they hold their laptops or phones. Others like reading novels before they sleep. Recent research reveals that such night-time routines could adversely affect your sleep pattern. Neurosurgeons discovered that different electronics emit certain lights that affect your endocrine system. It causes a decrease in the production of sleep-inducing hormones. The light distorts your circadian rhythms over time thus leading to insomnia.

3. The Phantom Vibration Syndrome

Many people are wired to think their phones are ringing yet they are silent. The Computers and Human Behavior journal published a study in 2012 which discovered that most people experienced phantom vibrations. They are regular sensations that a phone is vibrating when it is silent. Such sensations include itchiness. You might perceive it to be a phone call vibration.

4. Short Attention Spans

In the past, many schools taught students through rote. They instructed students to memorize books. Nevertheless, technology has a significant influence as it reduced our ability to retain facts when we read large books. Regular social media users have short attention spans. They cannot read continuously for long, instead, they skim books rather than reading them.

5. Low Impulse Control

Some scientists conducted a study in 2013 which discovered that video games reduce an individual’s ability to control their aggressive or impulsive behavior. Many players cannot control their impulses and knee jerk reactions. They are usually aggressive when they interact with other people.

Reputable cognition experts laud the ability of technology to free the human brain for critical thinking. However, some people are pessimistic that tech has reduced our creativity by shortening our concentration levels. You might pick the wrong option if you lose concentration while placing a stake.

Image Credits: Franck V.

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