How Technology Can Help Older Generations

in Technology

Technology is often considered as something only the young can benefit from. However, it can also have fantastic benefits for the older generation.

From advanced mobility aids to clever smartphone apps, there is a lot of technology out there designed specifically to help the elderly. Here, we’ll look at some of the ways technology can help the older generations.

Aiding with social interaction

A great benefit technology has delivered to the older generation is social interaction. Through social media, older relatives can keep in regular contact with family and friends. This has proven to be a major benefit as loneliness is a very serious and common issue for the older generation. So, although it’s certainly not as beneficial as physical contact, it still helps to ease the loneliness and keep them in touch with loved ones.

Boosting independence

Advancements in technology have also made it possible for older generations to retain their independence. There are a lot of mobility aids available which can be used both inside and outside the home. Grab rails, recliner chairs and beds, wheelchairs and scooters are just some of the great aids available from companies such as Mobility Solutions.

Useful smartphone apps

These days, you can find a smartphone app for everything. For elderly users, tasking apps and even gaming apps can prove beneficial.

You can find apps which allow you to find verified people to carry out certain tasks around the home for example. So, if there’s anything the older generation struggle with, they can use the app to hire somebody to help them. They can also use “To Do” apps to record everything they need to do during the day so they don’t forget.

Similarly, gaming apps can really help to keep the brain fit and healthy. Not only that, but games can be played with people around the world, presenting the perfect opportunity for older people to make new friends.


While dating is often seen as more of a younger person’s activity, it’s actually pretty popular with baby boomers too. More and more older people are turning to the internet to find love later in life. It’s helping to connect the older generation, giving them another chance at happiness. There are even dating sites set up specifically with the older generation in mind.

Overall, technology is helping the older generation in many ways. The above are just some of the benefits it’s delivering. It may take a little longer for the elderly to figure technology out, but with a little help to get started, it can make a huge difference to their lives. So, if you have an elderly relative, why not help them get to grips with technology. You could help them really boost their life satisfaction and help maintain their independence.

Image Credits: Jonah Pettrich

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