How to Design an Effective Website for a Business Brand

in Business

Studies show that 97% of consumers search for businesses online. If a company doesn’t have a full-fledged website it could lose potential customers. The challenge is that it requires skill to build and maintain a fully functional website that’s both aesthetically pleasing and user friendly. You have to ensure the website utilizes modern interfaces and technology so users can have a positive online experience.

We can help you with all those aspects. Below we’ll discuss how you can design a stunning website for any company that will benefit the brand.

Make Branding a Top Priority

How do businesses create their unique identities? Through well-structured company brand identity. A brand identity relates to a name, design, slogan as well as a business logo.

Branding a website is crucial because you should base your entire design around it. For example, if your business website logo has specific color schemes, use them throughout the website. Utilize fonts and layouts that will complement the branding.

Typically, a company’s logo is set on the top left-hand corner of a website. This is the safest place to position it because people expect to see it there and you don’t want people feeling confused when searching for information on your pages. You can place the logo in the middle or the top right-hand corner of a site if you want to try something unique but ensure the logo is always displayed above the fold.

Why Website Aesthetics is Important

A website’s aesthetics can influence a brand’s credibility. If a page looks sloppy with inconsistent designs, it may look like a dodgy website and people will leave immediately.

In practice, to create positive brand awareness, ensure the site looks impressive in terms of all the following factors:

  • Contrast
  • Color
  • Graphics
  • Layout
  • Font styles and visibility

Website Usability Across All Devices

Website usability is extremely important because it creates user satisfaction. The website must be able to load within two to three seconds when a user clicks on the site’s link. This is because studies show that 53% of internet users will leave a site if it takes longer than three seconds to load.

Over 60% of Google searches are done through mobile devices. With this in mind, it’s vital that websites are developed with mobile responsive technology to decrease site bounce rates. It must be able to load on all devices such as:

  • Laptops
  • Smartphones
  • Tablets
  • Desktop computers

Website responsiveness should also extend to devices with various operating systems such as iOS, Android and Windows. The site must load on all web browsers including Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera so you’re accessible to your entire target market.

Making the Website Visible Online

All websites have a domain name. Your first step is to create one for your client, usually incorporating their company name. This way, people can simply type in the domain name to navigate to the company’s site.

Another aspect to remember when it comes to online visibility is to use optimization tools. Two of the most popular techniques are:

  • Use industry specific keywords in content so Google’s crawlers can identify your pages as relevant to online searches containing those words. That’s how those pages get picked to feature high up on SERPs.
  • Utilize geo-location techniques, so locals can find business websites in their area. For this approach, create content mentioning locations the company wants to target with marketing.

Content Management Tools

Quality content shows a high level of professionalism, it improves user experiences AND can improve search engine rankings. Help clients maintain the quality of their pages by integrating content management tools. Include SEO, analytics and quality control tools that will assist with organizing the contents of a website to ensure engagement and eventually high ROI.

Where Should Contact Information Be Placed?

It should be effortless for site visitors to find a business’ contact details. Ensure you include a tab at the top or bottom of the website that has the following information for all branches of the company:

  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Physical address
  • Google map of its location

Some companies prefer to place their contact details at the bottom of the site. This is smart because it empowers visitors with the necessary information to engage with the brand as soon as they’re done reading the content.

Final Thoughts

Are you ready to develop a highly professional and well-structured website for all your business brand clients? Use the tips in this article to assist you and see how websites can boost branding, sales and profit!

Image Credits: Ben Kolde

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