How to Get Your Website Noticed

in Business

There are a number of different ways that you can improve the noticeability of your website. The techniques that you can use to do this will improve traffic to your business’ website, and will help you to create a more lucrative and successful business.

Here are five easy steps to help your website get noticed.

Get on Social Media

Using popular social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn are some of the best ways to get noticed. You can use social media to give your followers daily updates on your business such as special promotions and new services or products. Interacting with your followers is also a good way to keep your potential customers interested.

When they see your content every day and interact with you too, it can make them feel emotionally invested in your brand and therefore want you to succeed. This is especially true if you are a smaller business.

Brand Your Website

Branding your website creates a good first impression and is important in determining how your users recognize your business. It allows your users to know who you are straight away. To brand your website successfully, you need to be consistent throughout, from your color scheme to your writing style, and to your font style.

It can also be helpful to create a memorable tagline and a logo so that your business is recognizable even at a glance. Good branding can also make your website more aesthetically pleasing which is imperative for its success.

Focus on SEO

SEO stands for search engine optimization and it can help bring your website to the next level. Click Intelligence utilizes keywords, improves content styling and links internally to other quality content on your website to implement SEO and make your website more successful.

Build an Email List

One of the best tactics for promoting content on your site is email marketing. It gives you the ability to quickly and efficiently email those people who are subscribed whenever you have new content to share. Your email marketing campaign can do wonders for your website’s promotional offers.

It can also add a personal touch for your visitors, ensure they are up to date with your website and strengthen your relationship with your subscribers.

Create a Contest

Contests are a brilliant way to bring new visitors to your site and connect with potential new customers. It can also bring your business a lot of new followers as everyone loves free things and winning. A user-generated content promotion such as a photo or video contest is a brilliant way to tap into the human drive to compete, and also offers your users their 15 minutes of fame, as it were. When participants upload their personal content to your promotion, they become naturally invested into your brand. Creating a contest on your social media pages also means that consumers will essentially do the marketing for you.

Your form of entry to a competition could be for contestants to like, share, and tag people. This widens the amount of people that see your site which is, of course, great for business.

Image Credits: Charles Deluvio

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