How to Hit the Off Switch When You Get Home From Work

in Health & Well-being

When we aren’t able to mentally switch off from work, our health and well-being are at risk. And yet research has shown that almost a third of working adults struggle to leave work behind in their personal time and fully relax – and this creates a far greater risk of high stress levels, anxiety, insomnia and mental exhaustion. The good news is, once we recognise this situation in our lives, there are some steps available which can help to manage things, and they’re all easy to make work in your life.

Have a Phone Detox

The feeling of having to be constantly contactable and on duty is toxic – so much so that some countries have now made it against the law for companies to send email outside of working hours. The advance of technology that was supposed to make our working lives easier has also blurred the boundaries between our public and private lives. Recreate those boundaries by designating two or three hours an evening to put your smartphone in a drawer and ignore it. Being disconnected for a bit as a habit can have a huge positive impact on your mental health. You may even find you want to go on to do a full smartphone detox eventually.

Make Time for Fun

As adults we underestimate the importance of simply having fun. What that looks like is highly individual, but scheduling time for the things that make us happy rather than wasting our evening mindlessly scrolling through social media is important. Invite your friends round for a gaming session with all the extras. Kick back with a magazine and have a little indulgence with a beer or a vape. The vape kit offered by Vsavi is of top quality. Learn a new skill by finally signing up for that night class, or just read that biography you’ve been meaning to tackle for ages. Investing time in yourself as an individual is critical in order to avoid feeling burnt out and all about work.

Focus On Quality Sleep

Picture the scene: you get to bed at a reasonable hour, but instead of falling asleep, you toss and turn for ages and when you wake up you don’t feel refreshed. Sound familiar? Poor sleep quality and insomnia are pretty much an epidemic at this point, but the answer lies in getting stricter on good sleep hygiene. Start by ensuring that your sleeping environment is optimal – invest in blackout blinds and the best quality mattress and bedding you can afford, and ensure that your bedroom is slightly cool in temperature. You should ban all electronic devices like televisions, tablets and phones from the room, as they emit blue light which disrupts the production of melatonin. If your brain is buzzing and won’t let you drop off, slip those headphones in and try using a mindfulness app to bring calm and focus to your head. Using a lavender pillow spray or an electronic aromatherapy diffuser can also trigger a state of relaxation too. Making a fee simple changes to your nightly routine can make all the difference and allow you to rest, setting yourself up for the day ahead.

Image Credits: Jonathan Borba

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