How to Level Up Your Day-to-Day Fashion

in Fashion

Whether you’re looking for ways to improve your personal style or you want to upgrade whatever clothes you have in your closet, you may find yourself asking, where do you start? The definition of casual clothing may be different to everyone. If you regularly wear suits and blazers at work, you may mean jeans, shirts, and other less-formal types of clothing.

If you have a more relaxed dress code at work, it’s more reason to upgrade your personal style. By having a clear line between work and casual clothing, you are able to showcase your taste but in a more polished manner. This is not to say that you can’t mix business and pleasure in clothing; it’s fine too.

If you’re looking for tips on how to dress up even while you’re dressed down, then read on.

Good-Fitting Clothes Are a Must

If you’re like everyone else, then you often buy your clothes off the rack. Although there are set sizes for different kind of clothing items, there are multiple garments you may own that just don’t fit right or may be loose in some areas. Before you go on a shopping spree, it’s a good idea to check your closet and hunt for those clothes.

Once you’ve sorted out your wardrobe and you have a lot of items you don’t wear anymore, you can either donate or try selling your clothes online. The items you do like but are ill-fitting, on the other hand, you can try to have them tailored to fit you. Nothing makes a person look put together and sharp than a well-tailored outfit does.

This applies to many kinds of clothing. There are many guides to help you find out how clothes should best fit your frame. Remember that alterations may cost a lot if you have a lot of adjustments and tailoring to do.

Some T-Shirts Are Okay

When you dress casually, T-shirts are the first item of clothing that comes to mind. While T-shirts are not bad by themselves or a total ban from your closet, consider getting rid of ones you’ve owned for more than five years. Well-worn T-shirts can be fashionable, of course, but it all depends on how you style it.

If you want to play it safe and upgrade your T-shirt game, go for ones in solid colors instead. Prioritize getting high-quality T-shirts to ensure that you get a lot of use out of them for many years. Solid black or plain white shirts along with some colored T-shirts are always handy to have in your closet. You can always layer them up with outerwear when the weather gets colder.

Choose Great Outerwear Options

Outerwear such as jackets and coats are not only useful in colder climates; they also help elevate an outfit no matter how casual it is. That is why it is a good idea to take some time to choose great outerwear that fits right because you’ll be wearing them over and over. If you’re aiming for versatile because you want to keep your style simple, go for classic styles.

It is also important to keep in mind that comfort should also be a priority. Clothes can be both stylish and comfortable, so there’s no need to sacrifice one for the other when you can have both. If you plan to use your outerwear for a really long time, stay away from trendy items that are only good for one season.

Mix and Match

If you have not found your personal style or are looking for something to refresh your look, try mixing and matching stuff you already own. You’d be surprised by how so many clothes go with one another despite well-known “rules.” In fact, you can wear patterns with other patterns, and it only needs a few additions here and there to make it work.

Maybe Get New Pants

A pair of good denim can make a difference when you’re dressing up casually. If you’ve been using and abusing the same one for years, it’s natural for it to look worn-out and faded. What many people don’t know is that pants have an expiration date, and while worn-out jeans can look stylish, they can also be so ill-fitting that they may be too loose and baggy or even frumpy.

You can look sophisticated and chic even when you’re just wearing pants, but you need to toss your old pair and get yourself a new one. Dark-wash jeans are a popular choice, and a good-fitting one will accentuate your figure.

You can easily pair them up with any kind of shoes, like oxfords or chinos. You can even wear them with sandals and heels if you want to dress it up more.

Sensible Shoes

Toss those old sneakers from college, and trade them for something newer and sensible. If you regularly go to the gym, get appropriate footwear to match your gym clothes. You can tell a lot about a person by what kind of shoes they wear.

Shoes can either lift up or sabotage your whole outfit, so update your well-worn ones for something newer. This is not to say that you should only wear sneakers on casual days. There are other sensible shoes that are comfortable as well, like chukkas and desert shoes, and made with quality.

You know what kind of clothes and aesthetic you prefer, so choose the best ones for you.

Leather Bags

If you’re one of those people that would invest in one good bag rather than buy more, then try looking into leather bags. It’s understandable why some people don’t like too many bags. It can be tiring to transfer your essentials and other stuff whenever you want to transfer bags.

Quality leather totes are good investment pieces because they are reliable and sturdy. You can carry them anywhere and fit all your belongings with ease. Leather always looks good with anything, so you can pair it with any outfit with no problems.

Don’t Be Afraid to Experiment

You’re the one who only knows what kind of style you like. The things mentioned above are just suggestions and your guide to your first steps. You don’t have to adhere to fashion rules if you don’t want to. At the end of the day, what you like and want to wear is what matters the most.

Do you have tips and tricks for making your casual wear fashionable? Sound off below.

Image Credits: Unsplash

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