How To Make Your House Stand Out: 7 Ideas To Improve Your Curb Appeal

in Home Improvement

A house is a home. A home is a place where one’s heart can find shelter, and the person inside can feel safe and secure. But what if you’re not happy to stay in your current house with its lacklustre curb appeal?

This year, decide to take on a few simple projects to give your house a facelift that will make any passerby take notice. From painting your mailbox to adding some flowers, here are seven ideas to improve your curb appeal.

1. Upgrade the Front Door

A house’s front door is the first thing people see when they approach your home. So it’s important to make it an inviting and welcoming sight. One way to do this is by adding a wreath, which can be made of fabric or natural materials. You could also paint the door a cheery colour that stands out from the rest of the house for a nice pop of colour.

2. Upgrade Your Postbox

Whether you have a standard postbox by the road or a box affixed to your property, this simple update will show potential buyers that you pay attention to the minor details. In fact, when it comes to a home’s curb appeal, a postbox can be a deal-breaker.

A fresh and unique postbox that doesn’t appear like it’s been kicked a few hundred times may not be the first thing on your list of things to upgrade, but it may make a tremendous difference.

To make your postbox more appealing, paint over the wooden post and surround it, and choose a box that best represents your home’s exterior and aesthetic style.

3. Spruce Up the Garage Door

You may either paint over the old garage door or replace it entirely with a new one if you want a bigger, more exciting change.  There are a variety of modern solutions available to offer your home a more aesthetically pleasing appearance.

You can replace outdated hardware like hinges and handles if you’re on a budget.

4. Add Flowers

The next project on this list brings more nature into your home with flowers! Add some flower beds or pots around the exterior of your house with colourful blooms that will perk up the space instantly. Flowers add more colour into what might otherwise be a dull space and provide visitors with something beautiful to look at as they walk towards your door.

A great way to contain the flowers and make the project a tad easier is to use flower boxes.

You’ll need to purchase the soil and flowers you want, along with the box you wish to plant them in.

Also, don’t forget that, like all living things, flowers also need maintenance, so plan to water them as much as they need to give them the best care possible.

5. Don’t Forget the Lights!

There’s something magical about coming home at night and seeing the lights on in your house.  Passersby will feel warm inside when they see your house lit up like a Christmas tree. You can make your house stand out from the rest by lighting up those dark corners of your front yard.

You can install porch lights that hang from the ceiling or light up the walkway to your home. New lights that properly illuminate your home will significantly improve its curb appeal.

If you don’t want to deal with the inconvenience of installing new wiring, solar fixtures such as LED alternatives can save you time and money.

6. Spruce Up the Backyard

Terrace with couches, armchairs, table and chairs

An exciting thing about backyard projects is that you have all the choices in the world. You can never go out of ideas to source up the space a bit, from colourful hammocks to new decks or even some playground equipment.

The perfect backyard can be a great place both for work and fun and entertaining events.

If you want to start with some small projects, here are a few ideas:

  • Add a coffee table to the patio
  • Hang some lighting to brighten up the space
  • Build your own swing, using a plank and ropes
  • Add plants

7. Add Privacy and Security

Privacy and security are two aspects of a home’s curb appeal that many homeowners overlook when thinking about what to improve. It’s important to think about how someone can access your property when you want it secured and safe.  There are many ways to add privacy and security to your home’s curb appeal—from installing new locks on exterior doors to adding decorative fences around the perimeter of your property; there are plenty of options available for you to choose from.

Image Credits: Paul Brennan, Max Vakhtbovych

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