How to Minimise Distractions at Work

in Careers

It is impossible to completely avoid distractions when you work in a busy office. It can be hard to get in the “zone” when other employees stop by for a chat or your phone beeps every time you get a text. If you’re struggling to concentrate on your work, here are a few tips on how you can minimise distractions at work.

Keep Your Office Door Shut

Keeping your office door open is an invitation for people to come into your office for a chat. Deter talkative co-workers by closing your office door. Even if someone is just trying to be friendly, it’s important for you to set boundaries. Talk to them discretely, and ask them not to disturb you while you’re trying to focus on plastic surgeon SEO. Keeping your door shut is also a great way to block out noise and visual distractions. If you work in an open-plan office, put on noise cancelling headphones to block out other people’s conversations and phone calls while you work.

Don’t Check Your Emails

If you check your emails throughout the day, you’ll get distracted by clients who demand your attention and new tasks that need to be done. You’re more likely to spend your day replaying to people than getting any work done. Everyone thinks that their tasks are the most important, and you’ll likely be asked by some people to stop what you’re doing and start a new project. Check your emails once or twice per day; just before you begin work and once toward the end of the work day. When you check your email, save your personal emails, such as the ones from a Beverly Hills moving company, for when you’re not at work and make sure any unwanted emails are sent to your junk so that they don’t distract you later.

Put Your Phone on Silent

Your phone will be a big distraction at work. The notifications sounds will make it more tempting to check your phone for a call from the Thousand Oaks moving company that you’ve been waiting for. Turn your phone off or turn on “Do Not Disturb” settings during working hours. Put your phone in your bag or a drawer where you can’t see it. Limit your social media usage on your phone too. Checking your social media profiles during your five-minute break can easily turn into checking for notifications throughout the rest of the workday.

Break Tasks Down

Large projects can be overwhelming and if you try to tackle everything all at once, you’ll get distracted by the different elements of each project and take longer to do it. Break large projects into more manageable tasks and set yourself objectives so the work seems less tedious.

Don’t try to multitask or juggle several projects at the same time. Make a schedule for each day and create a to-do list. Do the more complex tasks first to get them out of the way. If you manage your time wisely, you’ll create a distraction-free workflow.

Declutter Your Workspace

Having a lot of paperwork and clutter on your desk will make it more difficult for you to do your job properly. Clear your desk and file paperwork away properly. Only have things on your desk that are necessary for the project you are working on. Keeping your workspace organised will help you to stay focused and not get distracted with rummaging through papers to find the one you need.

Image Credits: Carl Heyerdahl

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