How to Pick the Right Keynote Speaker for Your Event

in Business

The success of your event is dependent on choosing the right keynote speaker. When organising an event, it should be a high priority on your list. You may find that hiring a keynote speaker is expensive, but if they inspire financiers to invest more into your company or encourage your employees to look at their work in a more enthusiastic way, then it will be money well spent.

Objective of Your Event

Define the objective of your event and know what kind of speech you want your keynote speaker to give. It’s their job to get the message of the event across and make an impact on the audience. Write down a plan for your event and a list of your expectations. Is the object of your event to motivate and educate people on the benefits of senior in-home care or do you want to entertain and inspire people?


Think about your audience. Will your clients, investors, or employees be at the event? Think about what kind of speech your audience would like to hear and what kind of speaker will keep them engaged. A well-known speaker may encourage more attendees, but they must be relatable for the audience to connect with them. They should also be entertaining and charismatic to grab the audiences’ attention.


Work out your budget before you start researching speakers. You may have someone in mind already, but if you have budget constraints, you may not be able to afford to hire them. Celebrities and popular keynote speakers will have higher fees that aren’t negotiable. Speakers can also demand higher fees for last minute bookings. You should factor in your keynote speaker’s travel, accommodation, and food into your budget. Your budget can help you narrow down your list of potential candidates. A smaller budget means that you may have to compromise with a lesser-known speaker, so you should have realistic expectations.

Expertise of the Speaker

If you want to hire the best keynote speakers in your industry, you should look into their background and see what experience they have. You shouldn’t just hire anyone; you should consider how relevant the speaker is to the event and research how many speeches they’ve given. The speaker you choose should be passionate about the topic of the event.

Availability and Logistics

If you are narrowing down your list of speakers, reach out to them and discuss their availability. In-demand speakers may have a busy schedule, so may not be able to travel long distances or take part in a multi-day event. If they need to travel, you’ll need to figure out how they will get to your event. They may rely on you to arrange their transportation or charge a transportation fee. You will also need to factor in nearby accommodation for them. If you want to do a dry run with your keynote speaker the day before your event, that will also up the costs.

You should book a keynote speaker between six months to a year in advance of your event. It’s important to plan well in advance because if you leave it until the last minute, you may be left without a keynote speaker or someone who isn’t very good.

Do Your Research

A keynote speaker is responsible for setting the tone of your event because they will be the first person to speak. To ensure you hire an appropriate keynote speaker, you should do your research on the ones you are interested in. Check out their reviews and testimonials. Research how many previous public speaking engagements they have done and ask to see recordings of their speeches.

In the videos, did they engage the audience or leave them looking uninspired? Did the audience feel comfortable with asking questions after the speech or was there silence? Did they provide good answers to the audience’s questions?

Before you hire them, ask to speak with them on the phone or on a video call to discuss your expectations and the topic you want covered. For example, if you are a moving company, you could ask them to cover topics such as the future of moving companies San Diego or do a presentation on the improvements your business is making. You can also discuss their needs and expectations, and whether they’re comfortable with photographs and Q&A sessions.

Image Credits: Jack Sharp

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