How to Securely Dispose of Your Hardware and Data

in Business

Technology continues to march at a ferocious pace, and that means that smart companies know how important it is to re-invest in the latest technology and hardware on a regular basis. This can help them operate faster, more efficiently and more effectively, but it can also bring a particular challenge: disposing of old, obsolete computers and the data stored within them. Data protection and security is more important today than it has ever been, and making mistakes can bring a costly damage to the reputation of a business. Here are three ways to achieve safe disposal and destruction.

Safe and Accountable IT Asset Disposal

When you have IT assets such as computers and hard drives to dispose of, it’s essential that it’s done thoroughly and accountably, and that you can show how the process was carried out at every stage. For that reason, it makes sense to turn to experts in the field of IT asset disposal such as EOL IT Services. They’ve been providing professional and bespoke solutions in this field since 1996, so they’ll ensure that all disposal and destruction is done thoroughly and in line with current legislation. Just as importantly they provide a full audit trail, and they also have a zero-landfill policy which is great news for the environment and for your company’s carbon footprint.

Data Destruction

Data is one of the most sensitive things in the world today; there have been numerous stories in recent years of big companies who have lost customer data or been hacked, and the reputational damage caused by these stories can be long lasting and hard to repair. Failing to destroy data from old computers and mobile phones can also leave you at risk of allowing commercially sensitive materials into the wrong hands, so once again this isn’t a job that you should attempt to do in-house. Professional data cleansers will ensure that 100% of data is destroyed, as well as providing you with the paperwork to prove this.

Data and Hardware Decommissioning

When your hardware reaches the end of its useful life, it makes sense to decommission it and then dispose of it as soon as possible, but if you have a lot of assets to dispose of, you can also find that you drown in a sea of red tape, as well as walking the security tightrope that we looked at earlier. If you don’t comply with current regulations, you could leave your business open to a large fine, or worse, but keeping on top of this regulation can sometimes seem confusing. Specialists in decommissioning and destruction can take care of this for you, leaving you more time to concentrate on the things that will drive your business forward.

The world of business is fast-paced and becoming ever more competitive, so when it comes to IT asset and data disposal you can save time, and therefore money, by using the services of an expert in this field. It’s one less thing for you to have to worry about, and means that you’ll be able to upgrade or replace your IT assets whenever you like.

Image Credits: Vincent Botta

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