How to Start Your Own Web Design Business

in Business

Starting a web design business can be a very lucrative endeavor that gives you creativity, control, and daily challenges. It is an excellent career path for those who have design and tech experience but can be difficult to get involved with. To help you start your own web design business all you need to do is follow this guide:

Build Up Your Portfolio

Building up a portfolio is key to getting clients. Start first with people that you know. Offer them a discount to let you redesign their website for them. You can also create mock-ups of websites or create ready-made themes that can be sold and downloaded right away. Being regularly associated with great design is your ticket to securing clients.

Create a Comprehensive Services Package

A great way to stand out from the rest is to offer a comprehensive services package. Instead of just offering custom web design, offer web hosting as well. Be the person they go to for security certifications, or to help improve their SEO. The best part is that with white label reselling programs like the reseller hosting package offered by Krystal, you don’t have to hire staff yourself. Instead, you just need to find great companies who will take on your clients for you, and then provide you with the reports and progress without a label on the sheets, so that you can put your own. They are essentially your employees, just without the typical contract.

Market Your Services

Having a great resume and comprehensive services packages that make you both an all-in-one solution is a great start. You have everything you need to wow clients. The only thing left is to market your services. Aside from traditional marketing tactics, you will want to try:

Events Marketing

Attend events and workshops, or even consider hosting your own. By offering information on website design and getting out there as a speaker, you can solidify your position as one of the best web developers out there. You will also improve your reputation and get to know the Who’s Who of your industry.

Referral Marketing

A great way to get more clients is through the clients you already have. Create a referral program so that clients who already use your services can get a discount for referring new clients to you. This doesn’t have to be taken on good will, either. Only provide the discount if their referral signs on.

Create Ready-Made Themes

A great way to keep money coming in is to create ready-made themes. This is a less hands-on approach to creating custom websites for clients and allows you to sell thousands of themes and accompanying plugins or support for a healthy income. Just be prepared to either have staff or yourself on board to tackle any queries or ticket requests for help.

With the right business acumen and talent, you can become a huge success as a web developer. Create custom and beautiful websites, create ready-made themes, and make yourself into an all-in-one solution without the extra workload. Before you jump in, just remember to hash out all the details in advance so that you don’t get overwhelmed.

Image Credits: Split An Atom

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