How to Take Care of Your Skin Based on Your Dosha

in Beauty

The initial thing you should do before taking any ayurvedic skincare approach is to know your specific skin type. Kapha, Pitta, and Vata are doshas, established mind-body principles by those who practice Ayurveda. These doshas govern all the body and mind activities, thereby creating mental, emotional, and physical tendencies.

An individual’s skin type can either be Kapha, Pitta, Vata, or a combination of two doshas. Knowing your ayurvedic skin type can also help you determine the right ayurvedic skin care products for you.

Is skin type permanent?

No, your skin type can vary because of external factors like environmental pollution, habits, lifestyle, diet, and climate. When choosing the right skincare regimen, it’s crucial to take into account possible imbalances that are created by these extraneous factors.

Characteristics of Vata Skin Type

If your skin is cool to touch, thin, and dry, it’s most likely that you have a Vata skin type. Also, if your skin is easily hydrated and is susceptible to the influences of windy and dry weather, you belong to the Vata skin category.

If you want to stay youthful, use nurturing skincare products. These products should have herbs and essential oils combined to rehydrate and nourish the skin. Otherwise, your skin will be susceptible to premature aging and wrinkles.

It will help if you start a pacifying lifestyle that includes sleeping on time and exercising daily.  It will be helpful if you eat three balanced meals a day and sticking to a daily routine. All these are crucial to a holistic skincare approach.

How can you take care of your Vata skin type?

Here are some tips that can help you achieve healthy Vata skin:

Include green leafy vegetables, whole grains, and organic milk into your diet to nourish your skin.

  • To keep yourself hydrated, drink plenty of lukewarm water daily.
  • Eat juicy and sweet fruits as this hydrate and cleanse the body.
  • For lubrication, add a healthy portion of fat into your diet — olive oil or clarified butter.
  • Use ayurvedic skin care products that have a combination of essential oils and herbs as the main ingredients.

Characteristics of Pitta Skin Type

Pitta is linked to fire, so people with Pitta skin are susceptible to skin breakouts, are photosensitive, and less tolerant of hot food. If your skin is warm to touch but looks ruddy, you may have the Pitta type skin. Also, if you are more prone to moles and freckles compared to other people, there is a high chance that you have Pitta type skin.

How can you take care of your Pitta skin type?

People with Pitta type of skin needs nurturing and cooling. As such, skincare products that have added sun resistance ingredients are advisable. If you have this skin type, specifically avoid tanning treatments since these therapies expose your sensitive skin to steam for a prolonged period.

Here are a few ideas to achieve healthy Pitta skin:

  • Steer clear of synthetic and harsh cosmetics as these can harm your skin and lead to skin breakouts.
  • Avoid deep-fried and spicy hot food as these can aggravate your already fiery skin constitution.
  • Eat juicy and sweet fruits as these can help calm, hydrate, and cleanse the body.
  • Use cooling herbal massage oil daily.

Characteristics of Kapha Skin Type

If you have sun-tolerant, thick, and greasy skin, you belong to the category of people with Kapha skin. Though your skin is more tolerant to the scorching heat of the sun, its oiliness and thickness allow it to accumulate toxins or “ama.”

How can you take care of your Kapha skin type?

If you have Kapha skin type, consider detoxifying regularly. External and internal detox can help flush “ama” from your skin.

Also, scrub your skin with mild exfoliation clay, such as bentonite. This can help you cleanse your skin externally. To cleanse from within, take herbal formulations regularly, too.

Image Credits: Audrey M Jackson

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