Lest You Forget: What Every Groom-to-Be Must Remember for the Wedding

in Lifestyle

Often, the buzz in any wedding centers on the bride. Since the engagement, people have been curious about her ring, and on the wedding day, they look forward to her bridal look. Someone of equal importance seems to fade into the background: the bridegroom.

The notion may not be as popular, but some men also dream about their wedding day the same way some women do. These grooms-to-be may not say as much, but they can be involved before, during, and after the ceremonies. It is their wedding and marriage, after all.

So to the soon-to-be grooms out there, time to step up and into the wedding scene. Weddings being extraordinary affairs, there must be something that you can do and commit to memory. As to what these tasks are, find out below.

  1. Get Her to Say Yes

As conventional wisdom has it, no wedding can proceed without a proposal. If you haven’t gotten down on one knee and asked her to marry you, you better seal the deal with an engagement ring.

You can spend reasonably for an exquisite 2.5-carat diamond ring for the fair maiden because scores of diamond engagement rings await you at affordable prices. To get only quality and authentic diamonds, buy an engagement ring from a trusted jeweler online. You can even ask the seller for pictures and other details about their wares.

  1. Ready Your Pen and Paper

Write your vows as legibly as you can, and read it over and over. Also, prepare a short speech to thank the people who were instrumental in the success of the event. You can also make cue cards for interesting stories or anecdotes about you and your soon-to-be wife to regale the guests.

  1. Buy the Right Kind of Shoes

Truth be told, men’s wedding fashion is not as complicated as women’s. Their choice for a wedding attire boils down to a tuxedo or a suit. Whichever you will ultimately wear, make sure the ensemble matches your shoes. The consensus is tuxedos and black patent shoes are a pair, while suits are fitting with oxfords and loafers.

  1. Show Up on Time

Sometime ago, grooms’ worries revolved around four things: engagement ring, honeymoon, rehearsal dinner, and appearance at the wedding. As it is, grooming and dressing up don’t take much time, so you can arrive in the area earlier than everyone else does. That’s ample time to catch up with guests and deal with last-minute changes.

Bride and groom dancing

  1. Don’t Break That Eye Contact

If you have to wear glasses, do it. It’s that heart-fluttering moment captured in pictures or videos: the look in your eyes as your partner walks down the aisle and makes her way toward you. She’s doing her part to look her best on the wedding day, and your gaze should tell her that.

  1. Secure the Wedding Rings

The exchange of wedding bands is the highlight of the ceremony, a symbolic gesture of unwavering love and commitment. You can keep the rings with you and turn them over just before the service starts to the ring bearer or best man, who must not drop or lose them. You don’t want to unduly worry everyone over bad omens and superstitions if the rings get lost.

  1. Buy Gifts for the Wedding Party

Aside from a thank-you speech at the reception, show appreciation to the men and women who were with you since day one and helped out in the wedding preparations. The token does not have to be really grand; it can be personalized items to mark the day you tied the knot.

  1. Practice Your Moves

You hardly dance, but not on your wedding day, when everyone expects a choreographed or surprise dance sometime during the reception. Rehearse with your partner, and hire a professional dancer as your routine dictates. Practice makes a huge difference as you can feel more confident about dancing in front of the crowd.

With those responsibilities, no one is going to say anything about you being a passive observer of your wedding. Don’t be shy to broach your ideas to your partner. She may have been waiting for you to show interest and involvement in the event.

You’ve got the engagement ring and the girl. Here’s to wishing you the best in marriage!

Image Credits: Clem Onojeghuo, Andre Hunter

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