Making Your Home More Eco-Friendly

in Home Improvement

There are many ways in which we can protect the environment by making changes to our homes. Some of these changes are small, but some things will require us to make some serious lifestyle changes. Check out these changes you can make to make your home more eco-friendly.


Swap out your incandescent bulbs for energy efficient LED lightbulbs. LED bulbs save energy, last longer, and will save you money in the long run. Turn off lights if you’re not in the room, and keep your curtains open during the day to let some sunlight in.

Rather than relying on fossil fuels, you should think about using renewable energy. Solar panels are a great way to provide your home electricity by using sunlight. And if you’re smart about it, your whole house could run solely on solar power. It may be a little pricy, but saving the planet is worth it.


Solar energy can also be used for more than just heating and lighting the inside of your home. If you have a pool, you should invest in a solar water heater for pool. This will help you to save energy and cut costs.

While solar panels are a popular heating option, other heating sources for your home are heating pumps or water boilers.

Installing insulation in the ceilings and walls can help your home to retain heat. If this is a feature your home doesn’t have already, you should invest in double or triple glazing, which is also a form of insulation.

Instead of turning up the thermostat, stick on an extra jumper and wrap up in a warm blanket. Try to keep your thermostat set at 18°C. As simple as it sounds, using draught excluders and closing blinds are an effective way to stop cold air from entering rooms.

Conserving Water

People who live in colder climates tend to keep their hot water taps running in the winter to protect their pipes from freezing. By installing a frost protection pipe, people can use less water and protect their pipes from bursting.

Toilets take up around 30% of the water used in homes. By installing eco-friendly low-flush toilets, you’ll use less water per flush. Spending less time in the shower can lower your water consumption and using a water-saving shower head can lower it even more.

Consider switching to a macerating upflush toilet that doesn’t require you to break ground to install and that also saves more water, using less than the federal standard 1.6 gallons per flush.

Recycling water is also an eco-friendly option for your home. Use grey water and collected rain water to water your flowers and plants and to flush toilets.

Setting your washing machine to the eco mode while washing your clothes will use less hot water and wash your clothes quicker, using less energy.


Most people throw things into the bin without even thinking about it. Read the labels on packaging to see if they can be recycled and if they are biodegradable. Paper, cardboard, glass bottles and jars, tins, and some plastics can all be stuck in the recycling bin.

Try to be more conscious of the products you buy and avoid things like Styrofoam, plastic bags, cotton buds, straws, bubble wrap, and some kinds of wrapping paper.


People generate a lot of food waste, and rather than sticking kitchen scraps in the bin, they should be composting it. Keep a bag or pot in your kitchen to collect veggie peels and stalks, egg shells and coffee grounds to add to your compost pile. If you get vegan delivery or a fruit and veg box, make sure to compost any leftovers from that.

Other Small Changes

There are plenty of other small changes you can make on a day-to-day basis, such as swapping out paper towels for reusable cloths, and buying reusable tote bags to carry your shopping, so you don’t bring home more plastic bags. Try using your dryer less often and hang clothes out to dry on sunny days or hang them on a clothes airer indoors.

Go with natural cleaning products instead of ones that contain harmful chemicals, and switch to natural beauty products. Picking products that come in recyclable packing is a bonus!

You can also adapt the way you cook to be more eco-friendly. By using a pressure cooker, you’ll cook your food faster and save energy. If you prep your lunches for the week, you can cook it all on one go.

Image Credits: Karolina Grabowska

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