Min-Liang Tan: Highlights of His CEO Work

in Business, Video Games

Min-Liang Tan is the co-founder of Razer Inc. This gaming company has branched out into philanthropic work, digital banking, and expanding its line-up. Razer operates throughout Southeast Asia, and its hard goods are available around the world.

When it comes to charitable acts, Min-Liang Tan has donated more than just money. During the coronavirus crisis, he altered one of his manufacturing plants so that the teams could start producing masks. The masks were given away and placed in strategic vending machines to help the masses.

He helped fellow business owners through his digital currency platform. Many people needed cash to keep their doors open, and some companies required technical assistance. Razer stepped in and offered hardware and software, and Tan offered financial support.

When it comes to money, the Razer CEO is not only interested in helping companies. He is striving to make a meaningful impact on the next generation. Millennials and Gen Zers hold a different concept of money than their parents do, but everyone should understand the value of establishing credit, lending procedures, and how to save.

Min-Liang Tan believes that these young people will be highly invested in cryptocurrency, and they may prefer to do virtual banking only. With that in mind, he developed Razer Youth Bank. The platform is specifically geared to cater to the youth and gamers. Because of its flashy style, it will attract this audience.

Inside this digital system, the participants will learn about banking. It is available on an international level. Tan hopes this will be the first youth-funded bank that has customers from around the world.

The gaming end of this business is still going strong. The designers have been recognized for their high-end production pieces and their ground-breaking gamer chair. The engineers constructed Razer Iskur with human anatomy in mind. Min-Liang Tan understands how important it is to have a quality chair to sit in while playing.

Because of his first-hand knowledge of this, he and his company could conceptualize and bring to fruition a chair that began to sell out immediately. There was a need for this product, and it goes hand in hand with the Razer software.

The technology that goes into all of the company’s endeavors is cutting edge. Min-Liang Tan focuses on the gaming culture and their likes and dislikes. Tan’s deep understanding of this pocket partially explains why the operation is successful. That knowledge is also coupled with long hours, dedication, and hard work.

Throughout the pandemic, Min-Liang Tan continued working to find various products. When he is not contributing to the many Razer subsidiaries, he is helping out charities. Min-Liang balances business with fun. It was his lighter side that created a stuffed toy that ultimately became Razer’s mascot.

Sneki Snek has almost turned into a real person. The mascot has a social media presence, and there are many gifs and memes made of the bright animal. As cartoonish as it is, the snake has made a significant contribution to society. Min-Liang Tan is donating money raised from the sales of this slithery pal to an international environmental charity.

Min-Liang Tan was born and educated in Singapore. He carries a law degree. As the Razer CEO, he is responsible for this large international operation. The company is involved in all things gaming and virtual banking. Major publications have recognized him for his work in the technology field.

Image Credits: Stephen McCarthy / RISE / Sportsfile

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