The Mistakes First-Time Horse Buyers Make

in Pets

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When it comes to pets, dogs may be a man’s best friend, but horses and ponies must come in a close second. Yes, they’re expensive to care for, and yes, they need a lot of space, but they’re friendly, loving, majestic and a great companion for outdoor pursuits!

If you’re thinking of getting your first horse or pony, or you’re considering buying one for your kids, here are some common first-time buyer mistakes that you’ll want to avoid:

Buying a Horse that Isn’t Trained

Horses that have not been trained are more affordable for the average person, but unless you have experience in training them yourself, you’re going to have to pay for a trainer, and that could get seriously expensive. If your horse isn’t properly trained, then they could be dangerous to be around, so you simply cannot cut corners in this department.

Not Choosing an Older Horse

Many people want puppies rather than older rescue dogs, and it’s the same with horses and ponies, which is a shame, not only for the poor older animals who are looking for a forever home but also for the buyer. Why? Because having an older horse as a pet can be delightful. Not only are they generally calmer, but they can usually be ridden well into old age – they make fantastic companions.

Underestimating the Cost of Stables

Horse with braided maneImage Source

If you look at, you will see that professional horses stables are expertly crafted and don’t come cheap. So, if you’re planning on having your own stable, not only do you need to have lots of space, but you also need to be prepared for the cost. If you’re thinking of boarding your horse at someone else’s stable, well that can be pretty costly too! Don’t buy a horse before doing your sums if you don’t want to end up having to sell your pet on because you cannot afford to keep him. No animal deserves to be dumped because due diligence wasn’t carried out before buying.

Buying from an Auction

Ideally, you should not buy a horse from an auction, buying from a genuine breeder with a good track record, or an owner who is already known to you if possible. Why? Because as you can see at many sellers at auctions use nasty tricks to sell horses who should not be sold. Horses can be drugged so that they appear more placid and so that their injuries aren’t obvious; it’s terrible, but it does happen, and you need to be aware!

Not Knowing How Much Time and Care Horses Need

Horse being brushed by womanImage Source

You can’t just buy a horse and leave it in a field for long periods of time. Like other pets, such as dogs and cats, horses need a lot of attention. They need regular companionship, and they need to be groomed, their stables mucked out and their hooves trimmed on a regular basis, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. If you want to own a horse, you need to have lots of free time and willingness to be with them and if you don’t, it will be very bad for your horse.

Do you have a horse? Did you make any mistakes when buying him that you would like others to avoid?

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