Moving Hacks That Can Keep You From Making Frustrating Mistakes

in Property & Architecture

When moving to a new place, whether changing cities or not, it seems as though the planning is never good enough. There are so many circumstances that test your patience, your physical ability, and, well, your mentality. Moving can be extremely frustrating, and that’s the big reason why so many people call the pros to come to do the work for them. Let’s look at top moving hacks geared to help you out whether you call the movers or plan to do all that work yourself.

Moving plans often find people thinking about packing supplies, coordinating the event, and the physical labor first. It is often the little things that people forget that cause some of the most significant issues. For example, forgetting to notify the utility companies ahead of time will cost you money in the end. Procrastinating in regards to changing your mailing address could make your moving circumstances a little uncomfortable as well.

You certainly need to plan out your packing supplies, and you want to coordinate the move to where you know what box goes in what room in your new home. Hiring professional movers is always a good idea for a stress-free move, but it does come with a price tag. Rather than hiring a larger firm, it can be advantageous to research what’s local to you, e.g. searching online for moving company St George Utah, or wherever is local to you. What people don’t know is that there are different types of moving companies available to them. Some do all the work, and others leave the packing to you.

If you are comfortable doing the packing, then you can let the movers handle the heavy lifting. This saves you the stress of doing the actual moving, plus you save some money by taking some of the initial work off the table. If you choose this option, you may be thinking that you have to get your packing supplies. While the cost will fall on your shoulders, you can often secure the best packing supplies from the moving company that you plan on hiring for help.

What else should be on your mind? Let’s say that you get within two weeks of your move, and you have all your ducks in a row. What about the food within your home? It is certainly not time to go grocery shopping for the month, but you know that. Yet have you developed a plan to eat or give away the rest of the food within your household? Eat up leftover groceries, and make a plan to take the rest to a neighbor or your local food pantry.

This next piece of advice doesn’t resonate with everyone, but it’s something to think about for sure. Have you considered giving away some items in your household? Especially when moving to a new city, this can be a good idea. People are often too attached to pretty much everything they own. You don’t want to give it all away, but perhaps your move would be a little easier and less costly if you knew certain items should be sold, donated, or simply given to other people.

Are you one of those people attached to furniture? I once had to move 21 hours away, and I quickly realized that I no longer needed to be as big of a book collector as I had been at the time. Letting go of stuff or ‘things’ is part of the growth process throughout this life, and moving can help you do that. Lighten the load in route to your new destination, and you will be happy that you made that decision.

One great way to get that ball rolling is to start with the closets. Closet purges can be fun, and you can find yourself face to face with items you even forget you still owned. Naturally, it would seem that this would be one of the first steps you should take when planning a move. Unfortunately, it a step many people never take. Instead of thinking about items they should sell or donate, they skip ahead to packing everything.

Donating an item or two is always good, but perhaps it would be even better if you got even more serious about this part of your move. You might find the closet purge quite freeing, and it is a moving hack that yields significant savings. Of course, you can’t give it all away. Once you know what’s coming with you, it is time to assess whether all of it will fit into your new home.

Do you want to buy anything new? Are you going to need storage space? If you need storage, it is certainly something you will want to look into beforehand. Look at your different options and which storage solution would be most cost-efficient.

Even after covering all your bases, moving still isn’t a barrel of fun. That’s why it’s good to know little moving hacks that keep you from making this more difficult than it has to be. For example, keep those clothes on the hangers. Additionally, using towels and sheets as padding can save you on packing supplies. And what about those drawers? Maybe it’s better if you keep those drawers intact, everything inside.

Think smarter, not harder. This move can be much less stressful if you consider the moving hacks that you now know and plan accordingly. For long-distance moves, it is always recommended to hire professionals. Even for short-distance moves, you might want to consider that option. Don’t make moving to a new home more stressful than it has to be.

Image Credits: Erda Estremera

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