New Décor Accessory Trends to Keep an Eye On

in Home Improvement

As we reach the end of summer, now is the perfect time to reflect on the biggest home décor trends that rose to prominence this past year. The 2020s so far have been a turbulent time for the décor world. How we use and view our homes has drastically changed, so décor has had to keep up with all of those changes.

To get a good grasp on how the décor world has changed, let’s take a look at some of the trends which have developed this year, and why they have become mainstream trends taking over the décor world.

Using Plants in Décor Has Never Been More Popular

Nature has always been a good partner to decoration and design, as creatures we are always incredibly interested in nature and natural elements, which is why people love long walks through forests and relaxing picnics in open fields, so it’s only natural (pun very much intended) for us to use natural elements in our home’s décor.

This was all accelerated by the COVID lockdowns. As people have fewer opportunities to interact with the natural world, they have invited nature into their homes, with houseplants becoming an incredibly popular accessory to decorate your home and get your nature fix with. This infatuation with nature has also led to a growing demand for nature inspired patterns used in décor.

Be Amazed by New ‘Click-Fit’ Window Blinds

In the décor world, new trends and technologies come and go incredibly quickly, making it hard to know what is ‘top-of-the-line’ or not. Nowhere is this truer than the world of blinds. Innovations and changes happen at a lightning pace as retailers all race to have the most impressive blinds on offer.

One of the newer innovations are ‘click-fit’ blinds. Unlike traditional window blinds which are secured to walls, these blinds are fitted directly onto a window frame and click into place, making for an incredibly easy installation process. Thanks to the ease of installing and using these blinds, they have become incredibly popular, becoming a mainstay of décor videos on TikTok.

The Long-Awaited Return of ’70s Chic Is Taking Off

Now this is a trend that may be confusing to those of us who lived through the ‘70s as the décor of the time was a bit in-your-face and gaudy. But this trend isn’t about recreating the look of our parent’s homes and is more of taking certain well remembered elements from ‘70s décor and gently combining them into more modern schemes.

So, with this trend, people are just using elements of ‘70s design, rather than going fully into it. This means accessories made from wicker and macramé are hot items right now and bold eye-catching geometric patterns are in hot demand for wallpaper and upholstery.

Partake In the Practice of Pretty Patterns

Much like the bold patterns of the ’70s coming back into style, patterns as a whole have seen an increase in popularity. The renewed interest in patterns has developed in response to the minimalism that was present in home décor across the 2010s as homeowners revolt against the décor standards of plain greys being used everywhere.

The popularity of patterns has increased further since they’re featured heavily in many big overarching décor trends which have recently risen to prominence, such as cottagecore and nature-inspired decoration. All of this means that there are more options for the patterns we use in our homes.

Minimalist Inspiration from the Far East

While Nordic design and the Scandinavian movement were behind most of the minimalist home décor trends in the 2010s, as we’ve entered the 2020s, the inspiration for minimalism has changed, with lots of inspiration coming from traditional Japanese design.

This mixture of Scandinavian and Japanese minimalism (or Japandi) has entered the mainstream of the décor world for a few different reasons. Marie Kondo has extolled the virtues of Japanese minimalism to a western audience, which has led to an explosion in popularity for Japanese design principles in the western world.

Image Credits: Cole Keister

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